Happy rain

For: in the rain contest
Picture was taken from my balcony, it doesn't have windows, so technically it's just like big umbrella :-)
For: in the rain contest
A group of monkeys was definitely bullying one. Actually exactly like in human group -- one was bullying the weakest, and all other group just didn't care.
Very fresh, yesterday's sunset with first rain of the year coming up. Panorama from 3 images.
runaway coffee....
For: overflowing contest
Driving in Cairo is a challenge. But in rush hours... passengers boarding and going out of bus wherever it's comfortable for them, pedestrians crossing the roads as they could, bikers, donkies, and anything else you can imagine...
For: chaos contest
boy was very sad and looking for his friend that just left, trying to see him on the crowded street.
For: letting go contest
As it says in guidelines: "For some, one man's garbage is another man's treasure"
For: garbage contest
For: letting go contest