Old clock in the new frame

Thanks to zixii -- Flickr, rocket ship -- Flickr.
For: ship wheel contest
Thanks to zixii -- Flickr, rocket ship -- Flickr.
For: ship wheel contest
Thank you to: Matt Gibson from Flickr, Arno & Louise - Flickr, AlhikesAZ - Flickr. Pictures of smoke and Christmas tree are my own.
For: wrong place contest
Little girl got lost in the woods and was taken hostage by the bear. All Russian folk tale is here: http://russian-crafts.com/tales/masha.html I've extended the story: Bear ate some of the pie. And in this illustration Masha is very upset telling: Didn't I tell you not to stop, and not to eat those...
For: fairy tales contest
All additional images I've used in this entry are my own.
image of the eyes from Flickr -- link provided All other images: shisha, smoke, butterfly -- are my own.
For: stone indian contest
Two images I've used in this entry are my own. Entry been fixed, thanks to advise of CMYK
For: footbridge contest
Image I used in this entry is my own.
For: windsocks contest
source of baby skin is my own picture
Thanks to leozaza for image of the view from window. Image of the water splashes and computer desk -- my own.
For: fall contest
Images of mouse are my own. Other sources are listed below
For: visual pun contest
And probably the very first one. ;-) Picture of baby is my own
For: visual pun contest
All additional images used in this entry are my own.
For: leaf closeup contest
Just what else could you think of when you see a spider. ;-) My credits to authors from Flickr: Leo Reynolds, ehegt, Lance Mccord, Stephen Mcleod
Images of the bird and background that I used in this entry are my own.
For: call box contest
All sources I used in this entry are my own pictures.
Image used in this entry is my own.
For: sad or happy contest
I know it's too simple, but just think it is funny. All images used in this entry are my own. Uncut pictures in SBS O.k. I see, grass, that would be more suitable for zebra didn't work out. :-( So I fixed it and left it on the plain foot rest.
For: zebra head contest
Additional source -- picture of cat from Flickr, author Stewf. Picture of milk splash is my own. Thank you guys for advises. I fixed milk stream and puddle -- canceled layer effects, made cat bit bigger. Also fixed some small bloops, that didn't see yesterday.
For: water gun contest
Thank you CMYK, you're absolutely right, I fixed that. :-)
For: zip it contest
Additional images used for this entry are my own, taken by me. Fixed demarcation line, thank you downoffthedragon :-)
For: pouring champagne contest
I see that everyone is making a very pessimistic entry for this contest. Well, I think that our human race will survive somehow. And kids will grow, and chose the road to go. My first play with Bryce + lot of PS. I added some saturation to the kid layer. Really it looks better now. Thank you CM...
For: future views contest
Just source and source from another contest. I've changed the name, thanks to Elficho and added "carriers"
For: fountain contest
Sparrow, who wishes to live his normal life has to work instead of coo-coo bird. :-( The only source is picture of the sparrow, taken by me.