
sheep meeting with their leader :-)) Added shades and also flipped sheep horizontally. Looks better now for my eye.
For: white panels contest
sheep meeting with their leader :-)) Added shades and also flipped sheep horizontally. Looks better now for my eye.
For: white panels contest
Train image from credits to jusben. Picture of guy in the chair is taken by me.
For: white panels contest
Only PS and source used for this entry
For: puppy play contest
That is what my first memories are... Luckily kids came over yesterday, so I had chance to take their pictures and use it in my collage. ALL pictures used in this entry are my own.
Here is my version.;-) Only source picture was used. SBS: Desaturate, Burn, Dodge, Smudge tools. Different blending options.
For: african man contest
Pscipolnitsa is a character of myth and tradition, common to much of Eastern Europe. Referred to as Południca in Polish, Полудница (Poludnica) in Serbian, Polednice in Czech, Poludnica in Slovak, Полудница (Poludnitsa) in Bulgarian, and ...
They are amazing, attractive, and delicious. No kid can stay away from them. No sources from Internet were used in this entry. Picture of kid is my own. All other stuff made in PS.
All sources are my own pictures.
No external sources were used. All pictures are made by me. Hence was made from scratch. Water surface -- filter Flaming Pear Flood. Waves -- brushes. I know, it is not much of a maze, but had fun to make it.
For: mazes contest
ALL sources I used are pictures taken by myself. And about SBS, it is not much to talk about just cut and paste, shades and lightning added. Some Hue and Saturation, different modes of layers... ;-) Rusted texture made from scratch in Photoshop.
For: gucci contest