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Very cool!
I would love to know your process for taking the kid and making him look like he is painted. Is it just brushwork or do you have a specific technique?
(5 years and 1613 days ago)Good job, author!
I love what you've done with this. There is a simplicity and clarity that I think works very well for this entry.
I understand the purpose of the eagle, however, in my opinion, I don't think it's needed and that it detracts from the main elements.
(5 years and 2565 days ago)Anywho, good luck!
Congrats! Well deserved!
(5 years and 2652 days ago)Great sources and great blend, especially on the woman.
Good luck!
(5 years and 2654 days ago)Great idea!
(5 years and 2656 days ago)Stellar work!! I love the lighting and very much like what you did with the tubing. Good luck!!
(5 years and 2682 days ago)Great composition and good job on the blending! Good luck!
(5 years and 2687 days ago)Nice blending of the cave and the skulls!
Suggestion: the only thing that seems odd is the font at the top. Try something a little more distinctive (less obtrusive) and make it all fit on one line. You want the focus to be on the great image in the poster and not the text written over it. Good luck, author!
(5 years and 2692 days ago)Congrats!
(5 years and 2694 days ago)Funny picture and title.
Suggestion: Try to ease back on the high pass filter. It's a bit too strong and washes out the areas with little detail.
(5 years and 3824 days ago)I think that this is hilarious!
The expression on the dog's face is priceless.
(5 years and 3827 days ago)Great job with the HDR effect! It really adds a cool feel to the image.
(5 years and 3847 days ago)Suggestion: From looking at your high res, I think you need to do a little more work on the cloud reflection. First, they are a little too sharp, so you might try filtering them to get the desired distortion effect. Second, they are in front of the building's reflection, which obviously isn't the case when you look at the main image above. You should erase or mask out the clouds in front of the building. Good work and good luck, author!!
Well deserved!
(5 years and 3862 days ago)I like the tail and the stripe work on the fingers.
Except for maybe sharpening up the high res a bit, this is a well done chop. Good work and good luck, author!
(5 years and 3867 days ago)P.S. Love the title too!
Great work! I love the stripes.
Suggestion: It looks like you used a brush for the mane coloring. As others stated, this makes it look desaturated. Also, it makes you lose color on the right side of the Zebon's face and cause loss of color due to the fuzzy edges around the mane.

(5 years and 3867 days ago)So, as far as the loss of color, try using a layer mask with a combination of the smudge tool to make the edges of the mane less fuzzy and more confined to the hair. Then, to deal with the saturation issue, create a copy of the original mane, desaturate it, then put it on top of the brush layer, setting it to overlay or soft light. This will bring out the shadowing of the hair and give it more depth without losing the new, light color you have given it.
Good work and good luck, author!
The darkening made it look much better!
Good luck, author!
(5 years and 3870 days ago)I love her eye and the colors are beautiful.
Suggestions: There is a light glow where the feathers meet her skin that I think detracts from the nice details you have in the outside feathers. IMO I think that darkening the area would make the details of the hair/feather on her face look much sharper.

(5 years and 3871 days ago)Also, the white feathers you have on her face make the skin look somewhat blurred. Perhaps if you accented the lines of her face (i.e. the crease of her nose, the lines of her mouth), then this blurred feel would be lessened. Good work and good luck!!
I like the shadowing done on the legs.
I agree with Akassa that more shadowing needs to be added to the skirt itself. The wood comes off as looking flat as apposed to conforming around her body. I'd suggest looking up some reference photos of skirts to get a better idea for where to shadow and warp. Good work and good luck!
(5 years and 3874 days ago)Very unique and eye-catching.
I also like the composition.
(5 years and 3874 days ago)Very interesting.
Suggestion: In looking at your high resolution image, there needs to be a lot of clean up done on the top of the jelly as well as the top of the big toe. You should try using a softer brush to illiminate the hard lines that make these sections stick out. Good work and good luck!
(5 years and 3874 days ago)Very nicely done.
You beat me too it. I have been working on one here and there (nowhere near complete) and was actually going to call it "Back to Nature". I guess I'll have to go another direction. Good work!
(5 years and 3884 days ago)Very creative!
Suggestion: Add some stars. Not only is it outer space, but with just plain black you have a lot of empty space. Stars will fill it up and make it all look more realistic. Good work and good luck!!
(5 years and 3888 days ago)Author, you have created an exquisite piece of art here.
Between color, composition, technique, and concept, it is just all around extraordinary. Amazing work!!
(5 years and 3890 days ago)Great concept and work so far!
Suggestion: The masking around the dog's head is harsh and makes it unbelievable. Try using the smudge tool with a layer mask to make the edges more believable with the dog's fur. IMO it will lessen the harshness of the cut and make the dog look more like it is actually in the same place as the fire. Good work and good luck!!
(5 years and 3893 days ago)Great work!
Suggestion: Try adding a motion blur to the shadow below as well, cause it would be moving too. Good luck!
(5 years and 3931 days ago)The apple glow looks much better now!
(5 years and 3931 days ago)Good interpretation!
Couple of things: First, your source link doesn't seem to work. It says the photo is private. Second, the background seems a bit blotchy. I understand using a glow to make the environment seems otherworldy, but it feels like a tad much IMO. Other than that, I really like what you've done here. Good job!
(5 years and 3932 days ago)Edit: Source 1 link now works. Do you have the source for the woman as well?
Great work on the girl!!
Suggestion: Try to take down the glow of the apple. The coloring of the apple is already offset from the rest of your image and the glow just seems to be a bit much. Good work and good luck!!
(5 years and 3932 days ago)I think that this is on theme. I have never seen human skulls that tiny before. Suggestion: Where the middle finger connects to the stone, there is a white fuzz. Try darkening that up so that it looks like there is shadow where the two things connect. Other than that, great work!!
(5 years and 3932 days ago)Great job!
Suggestion: The white of their faces is so bright that you loose almost all the features. Try playing with that white balance and see if you can't bring out their facial features while still keeping that bright white makeup. Good work and good luck!!
(5 years and 3933 days ago)Looks much better!! Great job!!
(5 years and 3937 days ago)Love the overall feel.
Suggestions: In the high res, your ships are quite blurry compared to the rest of the image. I'm not sure what you can do without changing you sources images (obviously not preferable), but they are noticably out of focus. Also, the front ship is partially transparent where it meets the waves. This is okay for the waves in front, but looks a bit peculiar for the waves behind. Good job and good luck!!
(5 years and 3939 days ago)Beautiful!!
It's trippy, it's unique and it "catches your eye". Nicely done!
(5 years and 3939 days ago)Beautiful frog!!
IMO I think the frog does just fine on its own and doesn't need the face reflection, but that's just my opinion. Good job and good luck!
(5 years and 3939 days ago)Exquisite work!!
(5 years and 3939 days ago)Beautiful work!!
Suggestions: Looking at the high res, I notice that the main cut out of the ship seems rather harsh. You might try a very slight blur on all the edges to take away from this harshness. In contrast, where the ship meets the water at the lower, center point of the image, I think that it could benefit from a harsher cut as the ship just kind of fades into the water. These are very minute things, though. Fantastic job and good luck!!
(5 years and 3940 days ago)Very well done!
Suggestion: You have a white border around the cut out shell. Try eliminating that and I think that the shell will look that much more natural in the scene. Great job and good luck!!
(5 years and 3942 days ago)Great idea.
Suggestion: IMO I would get rid of the darkened edges of the image. They don't seem to add to the depth of this piece and I think that they take away from your overall entry. Good work and good luck!!
(5 years and 3942 days ago)Very creative!!
I don't think anyone can say that this isn't unique. Suggestion: Try adding a photo filter to make the lightpole-snake look more like it is in the scene with the girl. Good job!!
(5 years and 3942 days ago)I really like this.
The logo is unique and the color scheme works great! Good luck!!
(5 years and 3942 days ago)This is a great idea and is well presented.
Suggestions: The perspective is a bit off on the sword. The blade is in the ground behind the front of the boat but the hilt guard is in front of it. Also, the skeleton head doesn't share the same light and shadow as the boat. However, overall, great piece! Good work and good luck!!
(5 years and 3942 days ago)