Forest Titan

Please view high res! Vines and eyes created in Photoshop.
Please view high res! Vines and eyes created in Photoshop.
For: house in the clouds contest
In Sumerian mythology, Nammu was the primeval sea that gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first gods, representing the Apsu, the fresh water ocean that the Sumerians believed lay beneath the earth, the source of life-giving water and fertility.
For: movie teaser contest
Heaven and hell need not be a place to go to after death, fore we each have within us the power to create either of them here and now in the lives we lead by the choices we make.
Please view high res. Thanks! Magic ribbons created from scratch using several filters and layer blending.
For: fantasy contest
The truth about the untimely death of Mr. Potato Head. All Mr. Potato Head parts created in Photoshop.
Nyx was the primordial goddess of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and was the mother of personified gods such as Hypnos (sleep) and Thánatos (death). Her appearances in mythology are sparse, but reveal her as a figure of exceptional power and beauty. S...
For: greek gods contest