14 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Rumi
Rumi says:

good detailed job gl

(5 years and 2989 days ago)

Kathakali Crown
avatar dilsedosty

the display texture (repeat uv) is not proper set? or the actual display is damaged?

(5 years and 3040 days ago)

avatar Rumi
Rumi says:

love your robots nice render. gl

(5 years and 3042 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

dilsedosty, well Pizza is now considered a Vegetable by the Congress.. so anything is possible

(5 years and 3053 days ago)

Cherry pizza
avatar dilsedosty

pizza without cheese..........????????????

(5 years and 3053 days ago)

Cherry pizza
avatar rizwaan
rizwaan says:

nice render , all the best

(5 years and 3053 days ago)

DNA museum
avatar Drivenslush

coco puffs and Captain Berry Crunch in a dish of brown goo?.. not sure it's a pizza, neat image though.. LOL

(5 years and 3053 days ago)

Cherry pizza
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The plate it is on looks too far above the table, making it look like a bowl. This makes the pizza look like a bowl of chocolate with berries in it.
You need to make the pizza look closer down to the table surface. I would eliminate the bowl/plate entirely, and just put the pizza onto the table.

(5 years and 3053 days ago)

Cherry pizza
avatar 6tann
6tann says:

this one is gr8

(5 years and 3054 days ago)

DNA museum
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

I really like that each sample is different from the rest. A small touch, but visually effective. The high reflection of the box in the lower right foreground is a bit overkill, though.

(5 years and 3055 days ago)

DNA museum
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Great idea! I think the left tube has the dna too flat compared tot he rest.

(5 years and 3056 days ago)

DNA museum
avatar JoeCacia
JoeCacia says:

Nice idea author! Best of luck!

(5 years and 3057 days ago)

Pumpkin village
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job Congrats on your Win

(5 years and 3061 days ago)

Royal Welcome Mat
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Job Congrats on your Win

(5 years and 3065 days ago)

Modern tub
avatar rupa
rupa says:

nice work but its like carpet more then mat.

(5 years and 3065 days ago)

Royal Welcome Mat
avatar dilsedosty

nicely done

(5 years and 3066 days ago)

Royal Welcome Mat
no avatar

Superb render....How did you bring the natural look of the mat...?

(5 years and 3067 days ago)

Royal Welcome Mat
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Great image, except for the closed gate at the top of the steps...Not very welcoming! Really nice work on the stone and brick sides.

(5 years and 3067 days ago)

Royal Welcome Mat
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Very nice work, has that look of high-end luxury.

(5 years and 3071 days ago)

Modern tub
avatar Jacu
Jacu says:

Brighter version was better for me

(5 years and 3072 days ago)

Modern tub
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

superb render. I think the taps are slightly too large also. Great job though.

(5 years and 3074 days ago)

Modern tub
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The tub looks too small in proportion to the fixtures.
Also, the strong light on the floor in the left hand corner is too dominant for the composition and is distracting.

(5 years and 3075 days ago)

Modern tub
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:


(5 years and 3119 days ago)

avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

me 2 "up"
nice work author good luck

(5 years and 3120 days ago)

avatar JoeCacia
JoeCacia says:

This reminds me of the movie "UP", nice work author!

(5 years and 3121 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Great concept, but a bit too dark and low contrast - I wanted to study the zeppelin "bugs" more...

(5 years and 3122 days ago)

no avatar
rizazte says:

ha! great job, really like your imagination GL author

(5 years and 3122 days ago)

avatar Rumi
Rumi says:

i agree with mircea and i'd suggest u put some texture like tiles with less reflections on the floor and decrease some dof

(5 years and 3222 days ago)

Industrial Processing Drum
no avatar
sujithak says:

nice work

(5 years and 3224 days ago)

Industrial Processing Drum
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Really well done, except the texture on the sides of the machine bases looks a bit too large...

Very impressive lighting.

(5 years and 3224 days ago)

Industrial Processing Drum
avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:

dunno y but i like this one

(5 years and 3226 days ago)

Death walk
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

With a bit different placement and 12 blocks, that would make a mind-blowing clock!

(5 years and 3232 days ago)

Giant Wheel
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Nice render author...wooden parts on the wall and the ceiling looks a bit washed out...everything else is nice maintained...best of luck

(5 years and 3233 days ago)

Interior pooltable
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

good work

(5 years and 3388 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice view author, and cool perspective...gl

(5 years and 3388 days ago)

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Overall I love the setting of this and admire all the work you did. However, the vertical posts and steps of the staircase in the front look odd due to their 'ripples'. It would make more sense to use those as the reflections, and keep the posts more straight. This would be a great place to go hang out if it were real!

(5 years and 3400 days ago)

Above The Lake, Above The Tree
avatar billyboy
billyboy says:

Very good skills. I'm sure you used a camera in Max with less than 40 lens. Thats why image is deformate. I use only camera lens higher than 80 except if I want this special lens effect deform

(5 years and 3408 days ago)

no avatar
sujithak says:

nice work

(5 years and 3408 days ago)

no avatar

Good idea and good render.....keep it up

(5 years and 3411 days ago)

Between A Rock And Hard Place
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

There is quite a bit of work here. I don't know if the extruded pillars is difficult to do or not, but they sure look cool! Interesting materials on the aircraft, too, good work, author.

(5 years and 3414 days ago)

Between A Rock And Hard Place
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The brace on the bottom in the back has a gap where it's not connected to the wheel, and there looks to me too angled a fusilage, especially the "point" behind the cockpit.

(5 years and 3415 days ago)

Kamov KA-22
avatar nishagandhi

great work

(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Between A Rock And Hard Place
avatar nishagandhi


(5 years and 3420 days ago)

avatar nishagandhi


(5 years and 3420 days ago)

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Really awesome construction, congrats!

(5 years and 3420 days ago)

avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your second place!

(5 years and 3420 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134


(5 years and 3420 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

great work author...good luck

(5 years and 3421 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

fantastic work but way more war machine then steampunk...any how i wish u best of luck author

(5 years and 3421 days ago)

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Author, this is a fantastic design, but it needs some Steampunk materials for the surfaces, I think with some brass and wood added (and even leather if you want) it would be a most formiddable Steampunk Choptron! Right now it looks awesome but too futuristic. The steam chamber is great, as are all the gears and tubes. Also, the steam probably could be less black, which is like smoke, and more white or gray, like steam. Would love to see it with those elements added. You have quite an incredible design here!

(5 years and 3421 days ago)