Eve has childrens

We know that Eve and Wall-E are married. You donno? And Eve has two childrens. One teenage girl and one naughty boy. I created this images just for fun. I used MODO and Photoshop to create this. I hope you will enjoy guys.
We know that Eve and Wall-E are married. You donno? And Eve has two childrens. One teenage girl and one naughty boy. I created this images just for fun. I used MODO and Photoshop to create this. I hope you will enjoy guys.
Hi modelled and rendered in 3ds Max...All the textures are from Autodesk Material Library.
For: king crown contest
Hi, in my design ,the tablet comes with two humanoid robots,which will hear your commands and will operate the touch screen in the tablet...So you can relaxly sit on the sofa and can use your tablet interactively with your voice commands alone...All done in 3ds Max and Vray
For: futuristic tablet contest
Hi all, truely its a tough topic to work with...I have followed a workflow and have done this...I used 3ds max and Vray and Particle flow for toppings on pizza and composite material for choclate material of pizza.your comments are always welcome...
For: pizza pie contest
3ds Max and Mentalray...
Hi this was done in 3ds max and vray..Simple modelling and simple daylight simulation with Vray sun.Thanks....
For: welcome mat contest
Hi all, this is modelled in 3ds max 2011 and rendered in Vray.For the cloth i used Cloth modifier and for all the textures i used autodesk material library.Have a look at my work and feel free to post your comments.
For: tub fun contest
Hi when the future arrives us,there will be a lack of space to live and to build houses.There comes the time where the buildings hangs in space lifted by zeppelin kind of airships fuelled by solar power. This was done in 3ds Max and rendered in mental ray...All the textures were made with 3ds max de...
Hi this was made in 3ds max 2011 and rendered in mental ray....These are processing drums which are used in many industries like leather,textile,chemical etc....
Done in 3ds max and rendered in mental ray...Advance thanks for your comments
A small concept .....Have a look at this...
This was modelled in 3ds max and rendered with mental ray ...Your comments are welcome....
For: pool table contest
this slum was made in autodesk 3ds max and rendered in mental ray day light system.Texturing was done by using autodesk default materials library maps.Have a look at my work.Thanks
For: slum contest
Hi this was modelled in Autodesk 3ds Max and rendered in mental ray daylight system.Detailed description is given in SBS.It took a lot of time for rendering (nearly 9 hours) as more foliages are included in the scene.Thanks....
For: tree houses contest
"New kid on the block"- (Someone new to the group or area.).. "A white ferocious warrior leads the army with its panoromic move" Hi this was modelled in 3ds max and rendered in mental ray
For: idioms 2 contest
Hi this was modelled mainly by using 3ds max and some parts by maya.The final rendering was done in mental ray of 3ds max..thanks
For: helicopter blueprint contest
Between A Rock And A Hard Place: (Stuck between two very bad options.) "Is there any other option for the robot to escape from the space battle cruisers and the engulfing sea?" Hi this was modelled in 3ds max and rendered in mental ray..Please have a look and post ur comments..Ple...
For: idioms 2 contest
Hi,I modelled this in Autodesk 3dsmax and rendered this out with default scanline renderer.The modelling involves polygonal modelling, organic modelling,probooleans,spline modelling.I have elaborated the steps in SBS.All the best for all the participants....Thanks.....
For: steampunk contest
i modelled this in autodesk 3ds max...core is the basic box modelling,Then some spline modelling for pipes,parray ,pathfollow spacewarp , wind spacewarp for smoke and greeble plugin for high level detailing.I used 3ds max own material library 's materials and textures.Then i rendered this out in men...
For: steampunk contest
Hi, i have modelled this in 3ds max and rendered in mental ray...Most of the modelling part includes polygonal modelling for entire body of telephone,spline modelling for cables and Proboolean operations for some dial parts .i have textured the model using max's inbuilt material library and my own c...
For: duplication contest
1)Box modelling for car 2}Lofting for Coasters path 3)Coasters path architecture modelled by polygonal modelling and detailings done using GREEBLE plugin http://www.klanky.com/ 4)Texturing was done using the 3ds max inbuilt materials 5)Rendering done by Mental Ray daylight system