avatar nanaris


Ana-Maria is a gal from UK. Her Pxl age is 5 years and 3356 days. She was last seen 1 year and 329 days ago.

  • 1
  • 19
  • 1
  • 1


» Reputation points:22 Rank: 315
» Activity points:48 998 Rank: 153
» Votepower:105.6 Rank: 318
» Votemedals:241
» Entries:44
» Forum posts:24

Contest stats

» PS avg: 58.5% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 56.818 %
» First places: 10
» Second places: 3
» Third places: 4
» Suggestions:0 (0 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:3 947
» Vote medals:241
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 536
» Comments receiv.: 503
» Comment score: 743
» Top commenter:0 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • Against All Odds Picture
  • Experiment Dragan effect Picture

88 profile comments: ( page 1 of 5)



(5 years and 2495 days ago)
avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

Thanks for the fav on my umbrella entry!

(5 years and 2684 days ago)
avatar tk
tk says:

Hello, thank you very much for the fav!!

(5 years and 2716 days ago)
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Thanks for the fav Ana

(5 years and 2901 days ago)
avatar DanielaOwergoor

Thank you for the fav in my entry "On the Beach"!

(5 years and 2976 days ago)
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Many thanks for your fav, Ana

(5 years and 2976 days ago)
avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

thanks for the fav,,,ana, waiting for your art works again..

(5 years and 2981 days ago)
avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

Thanks for the fav

(5 years and 2987 days ago)
avatar greymval
greymval says:

Mersi si eu de fav

(5 years and 2995 days ago)
avatar SOLARIS

thanks for the fav

(5 years and 3008 days ago)
avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Thank you Ana-Maria for your fav on my Greenopolis ^^

(5 years and 3010 days ago)
avatar Nysoe
Nysoe says:

Thanks for the fav

(5 years and 3012 days ago)
no avatar
olga says:

Hello Thank you for the nice comment!

(5 years and 3019 days ago)
no avatar

Thanks for favouring my Entry.

(5 years and 3024 days ago)
avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

thanks for the congrats..!

(5 years and 3024 days ago)
avatar enblanco
enblanco says:

Thanks for the fav

(5 years and 3025 days ago)
avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

thnx for fave of my entry

(5 years and 3027 days ago)
avatar Mikaelbg
Mikaelbg says:

thank you for the congrats! ... And congrats to you too

(5 years and 3030 days ago)
avatar trevordsouza7

Thanx for the comments \m/

(5 years and 3034 days ago)
avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

thanks for the congrats!

(5 years and 3037 days ago)