All sources have been notified. Thanks
All sources have been notified. Thanks
cloud brush thanks fudgegraphics http://fudgegraphics.deviantart.com/art/Hi-Res-Clouds-PS-Brush-Set-1-162336966 baby image from private stock (see SBS)
balls made from grass
For: mixed manipulations 14 contest
Only the source image and Photoshop used
For: garden tools contest
Thanks to Yana-stock for brushes: http://yana-stock.deviantart.com/ (The author was informed via "note ".)
For: snow walk contest
hey Media :photoshop & WATCH THE SBS . stock credits 1.RosalineStock 2.ALiceFaux 3.liam-stock 4.laszlo-616
For: mixed manipulations 14 contest
For: facial expression 2 td contest
pencil, 0.7 and 0.3 pens used
For: facial expression 2 td contest
Credits to NIght-fate-stock
For: pistol contest
Hello! I painted it all with only the mouse, drawing by drawing. Colored with Hue Saturation layer and blending. He was literally painted. Hope you enjoy the result. See the SOURCE before voting;)
The hair and bubbles were done with the help ob this tutorial http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=5365. i used pen tool and burn and dodge tools foe highlights and shadows
For: bubbles contest
media :ps credits 1.greencheek 2.Chonastock 3.night-fate-stock 4.BokoGreat-STOCK
....love can make you flip and redecorate your home .... :)
For: rainbowified contest
For: rainbowified contest
For: rainbowified contest
He was a country boy before his brain was erased and implanted into a cameranator. Inside the killing machine, something innocent still exists. The sources I used can be seen easily from my SBS, I didn't distort any of them, so I didn't make descriptions. For the last steps I used soft brush to pa...
For: cameranator contest
For: cameranator contest
given source and photoshop only. Please have a look at the high resolution.
For: toolbox contest
A hot drink with some spice!
For: recipes contest