10 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

good idea but something just isn't right with the lights on the ship

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Loving the colors and the sky treatment

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar nishagandhi


(5 years and 3835 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar dimas86
dimas86 says:

why the deck light out from its sources??

(5 years and 3835 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

very nice

(5 years and 3836 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar woodztockr

elephant is implemented nicely into the grass... nice job!

(5 years and 3836 days ago)

Find me
avatar dimas86
dimas86 says:

its great, but what the meaning of the yellow line in the ship... i wondering

(5 years and 3836 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar woodztockr

"Yeah, what they said!", very nice work with composing the scene.

(5 years and 3836 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Very pretty work! Great job with the lights!

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:


(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar woodztockr

Cool image with the fire works... something about the yellow upper deck lights is distracting, maybe tooo yellow... I really like the overall feel of the image

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Fireworks party
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Something magical about the color, lighting and contrast of this. Good job, author!

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar elficho
elficho says:

i'm liking the colors!

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Good job setting the mood, a very thought provoking image.

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Love the aurora style of the sky!

(5 years and 3838 days ago)

Blue aurora
avatar Giggles
Giggles says:

I don't think it's on theme...sorry...

(5 years and 3838 days ago)

Find me
avatar sunnyyad
sunnyyad says:

great work

(5 years and 3838 days ago)

Find me
avatar visba
visba says:

You should make the stripes more prominent.

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

avatar vladimir735

Good, but you should darken the castle if you want some lonely feel. And add some shadows. GL

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

lonely castle
avatar vladimir735

MY EYES!!! Hehe GL

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

avatar visba
visba says:

The edges are way too jagged and the entire castle is kind of blurry. Good concept though!

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

lonely castle
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Maybe a bit too pink for my taste, but not bad result. You may want to check the edges from the spires, they can do with a bit of masking. Good luck!

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

lonely castle
avatar dimas86
dimas86 says:

i like it, but where's the door n windows??

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

lonely castle
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Great job... i really like this entry

(5 years and 3844 days ago)

avatar angeluzend

it's a very cool effect, like a professional ad, even if maybe the image would be more clear whit the white part really white (deleting completely the text). in that way probably we can't read everything but the sense would be understandable anyway and the zebra would be more visible. but still, it's very nice :3

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

avatar nehayash
nehayash says:

love the idea.good job

(5 years and 3847 days ago)

Take me out from here !!