yeh mun!

I really didn't know what I was doing, so don't ask me about the content lol. Every comments and suggestions are welcome, but from tomorrow to this weekend, I won't be here, so I'm sorry if I can't respond or fix this image. So many things I did with this image, so undoubtedly, I had mistakes. Pl...
Only Source Used Please see high resolution before voting. I am not fan of robots but after seeing this source I decided to create one. This is my first Robot Chop.
For cmyk......., enjoy
For: microscope contest
Slaying monsters in the hood is all in a days work. All done on 60lb sketch paper with a mechanical pencil, a rolled up stub of of the same 60lb paper to do the shading, and a knead-able eraser.
For: life art contest
The smoke brushes are under a creative commons lisense and are usable. extra sources: (Thanks to Cgtextures)
"In my solid present, fearing the inevitable unknown future." More source: Feather brush by dark-dragon-stock Thanks to: *mjranum-stock *night-fate-stock *falln-stock *dragon-stock *exael *madmaven *pautina *narendr...
only 2 sources i use here.....the rest of compozition it's made by me in 3d and PS Thanks to "resurgere" for source 1 Thanks to "mrlins" for source 2
I thank all the guardian angel that own the stocks I've used. ;) Model: Sinned-angel-stock Forest: Eirian-stock Rock Path: eyewish-stock Water Lilli 1: kmstock Water Lilli 2: staciabennett Fern 1: Smack Babe Fern 2: Garr1971 Unicorn: Shoofly-Stock Wings: MaureenOlder
For: horse mania contest
Source, Photoshop, and Illustrator for some of the shapes
For: keys contest
fetish: a magical object designed to aid its owner
For: keys contest
Only Source used
For: keys contest
For: abstract art contest
For: abstract art contest
There is a day in 10 years, every mortal can visit Heaven through the portal that St. Peter creates. He summons a Cloud Phoenix by the Heaven Sword, carrying this enchanted world close to the Earth.... It's time to go... Source credits to all the author I noted here Other sources: Child in bl...
For: heaven contest
Thanks to Clinge, for the pic of the blue butterfly. Thanks to mqtrf, for the pic of the spider. The rest is PS and imagination.
Well, here you go: the source photo was of a hand playing a piano. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything else, so I simply made the same thing: a hand playing piano. Only much more literally. Comments and criticism are much appreciated. Thank you very much to bas3ssen (
For: piano player contest
My entry is called "Garuda Fireball" or literally means the "Eagle's Fireball". I just used the image warp tool to create the spherical object, then the Liquify tool to create the abstract like eagle inside the ball. Then I made it into three layers, with the third layer being...
For: piano player contest
high resolution would be great,
No outside images were used in the making of this entry
Thanks to "faestock" for source 1 Thanks to "dudquitter" for source 2 Thanks to "thelastminuter" for source 3 Thanks to "michellelove39" for source 4 Thanks to "lautner-lover" for source 5 Thanks to "Liquos" for source 6
For: heaven contest