Brown Bird

No outside images were used in the making of this entry.
No outside images were used in the making of this entry.
Here id the link to the page i got after searching "surreal castle"
For: flickr ratatouille contest
Well, I read the indicated tutorial, but I didn't follow it literally. But I hope it's nice... Thanks to Hunta @ Photoxpress.
For: cubism contest
Mother owl brings glowing worms for her babies. Background image is one of my own.
For: hair closeup contest
Snowman is trying to protect his dear bunny from Old man winter... No reference used
Credit to: US Navy, CG Textures
no reference used
For: hair closeup contest
For: vampirize contest
even the Count has to see the dentist sometime, and who better to trust! *thank you to Neveryph Stock at deviant art for the decay brushes. *Thank You to davidgsteadman at flickr for an awesome source picture!
For: vampirize contest
improvements already made. thanks to your suggestions .
The squirrel's tail was made with the hair. See SBS.
For: hair closeup contest
For: windmill contest
Thanks to Nightfate Stock... I wasn't planning on uploading this, i'm not very happy with it, so suggestions are welcome.
For: chill statue contest
Only Source used
For: chill statue contest
The queen wheeping over her fallen king. Updated version, thanks to Warlock for the suggestions.
For: water contest
The figure in the picture was taken by me. The buildings were not from any particular source. I browsed some pictures from the ruins to get a general feel for the architecture & made my own using good old 1-point perspective. I also asked a few questions of ChaCha(424424) on the cell phone regar...
For: pompeii contest
Dedicate to Glockman. I use his image in the forum as the reference (I mention in the SBS), I asked him to use it, even though I didn't get the response, I think he'll willing to accept that. I try to make it looked like the watercolor painting but maybe in Hi-Res you can see it more clearly.
For: watercolour contest