261 comments given:
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

Hadoo Ken!!! Really imaginative!

(5 years and 3507 days ago)

Conjuring the Morning
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nemanja says:

OMG! Here by, i publicly apologies to the author for my short eyed vision! Guess the glasses are waiting... sniff... sniff... lol

(5 years and 3511 days ago)

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nemanja says:

Well, English is not my first language, but after watching this video link from wazowski, and reading a comment from Drivenslush, i just laughed so hard that my stomach ached!!! hahahahaha One of the best!
But also the muppets make it hilarious! lol and lol and lol!

(5 years and 3511 days ago)

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nemanja says:

Ok, author i give up! Either you're joking with me, or else, i need some good pair of glasses! lol
But, the contest is not about my eye range...
Good Luck!

(5 years and 3511 days ago)

avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

Hahahahahahahaha! This one really made me laugh! Nice one!

Now, to the details. Everything looks good, except the fact that the elements are in different perspectives. If you can try to find some matching the perspective. Or try to play with the skew, distort or something like that, but don't do it too much!
And another thing, you should add some shadows. I can see the shadows, but try to work on them with a brush or something like that, outer shadow here does not look good.
Well, i hope i was not boring. Good Luck, and i hold my vote!

And again, a really great joke!

(5 years and 3511 days ago)

New computer virus
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nemanja says:

I like the darkened top, gives the underworld more attention...
And... OMG there are monks here? lol
Oh, now i see him.. I mean only one monk... Are there more?

(5 years and 3511 days ago)

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nemanja says:

I would suggest to make the left side of the image, just beneath the house, where the roots are, just as dark as on the right side. Right now it's overlapping with the grass. Otherwise, this is a great image, and a great idea... GL!

(5 years and 3512 days ago)

avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

Perfecto! Really nice blending, and an awesome idea !

(5 years and 3542 days ago)

WhirlPool Flower
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nemanja says:

If you would repeat that several times, the face and the cigarette , and make it smaller and smaller so it would end up like a tiny dot in the upper right corner, you may submit that entry in the illusions contest! lol

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

Hehe, What a look. lol

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Spirit Within
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nemanja says:

Looks good with the horse head lowered. But there is this blank area in the bottom. This triangle. But i really don't want to be picky... Nice one, i like the colours.

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

I like this blue colour... And the electricity.

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

electrifying native
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nemanja says:

This reminds me of my ex... Grhhh... But don't worry... I'll be objective by voting... Buhahaha.

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

Really nice blended. I just don't know how to react... I mean she is really beautiful... Does that mean i like him? Or her... Or him... Or... Hmmm... Awkward... :O Heh

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Face Change
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nemanja says:

Kinda Silvester Stallone in his Rambo costume. Nice one !

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

The Warrior
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nemanja says:

Interesting image... He has a "look to kill"...

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

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nemanja says:

Wunderbar... That is all i have to say.

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Statue of Liberty
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nemanja says:

Really nice perspective...

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

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nemanja says:

Indian - totem - animals.. Hmmm... The cat is his spirit! Hurray!

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Indian Painting
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nemanja says:

Nice drawing skills.

(5 years and 3546 days ago)

Scary skull
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nemanja says:

So cute... Looks like the never-chosen-prom queen... awwwwh...

(5 years and 3821 days ago)

Favorite Pastime
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nemanja says:

crazy... that is all i have to say.

(5 years and 3821 days ago)

Remember the Old Ways
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nemanja says:

I just love how the death sits... it is so relaxing... like it has just killed someone... perhaps you should add a inner shadow to the bird, the colour is a very nice contrast... I like this image a lot!!!

(5 years and 3826 days ago)

Death takes a break
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

very nice... golf bal-stone ball. it is all the same... good luck.

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Country Club
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nemanja says:

haha... cold lemonade on a hot summer day... love it...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Hard Lemonade
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nemanja says:

just wow... i feel mesmerised...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Stone EyeBall
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nemanja says:

nice spotlight...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Dance of the orb
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nemanja says:

very nice... i like this a lot... it is as if the earth is being an big anchor...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Cloud tether
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nemanja says:

nice blending... the background adds to the feeling... just great...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Ball sculpture
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nemanja says:

the world goes down... not bad, not bad... i mean the image...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

stone planet collision
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nemanja says:

it is snowing... very cousy...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Summer Globe
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nemanja says:

just lower the opacity of the shadows... otherwise... very nic... i like the idea... very creative...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Game On
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nemanja says:

i like the grass a lot... good job...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Let it rain...
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nemanja says:

Meka & Medina... that is called the place where the muslimans assemble to celebrate the great stone that has fallen from sky into the dessert... that was in my mind when i looked at this... nice...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Where did that come from
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

apsolute winner... Sorry to the others... i just have to be real...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

The Call...
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nemanja says:

Very nice... Reminds me of indian thotems...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Mayo Flavored Ice Cream
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nemanja says:

this instantly made me hungry... very good...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

mama mia!
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nemanja says:

Nice idea...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Indiana revisited
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nemanja says:

I like it a lot because of the dominating green...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Green Planet
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nemanja says:


(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Floating world
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nemanja says:

This is the best idea here...well done!!!

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Stone cube
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nemanja says:

You created a very nice image followed by this sad feeling of missing someone...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Missing You
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nemanja says:

Very Patriotic...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Heroes Below Stones
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nemanja says:

Reminds me of Ghoustrider... Or something like that... lol

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

is that called a DEVIL?
avatar nemanja
nemanja says:

Where are the graves? Very nice work on the cloning...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Imagine Peace
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nemanja says:

Are those two sisters? Very good colour combination... Ghoust endo plasma...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Dreaming in Color
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nemanja says:

Nice image... love the idea...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Zombie revenge ;)
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nemanja says:

Is she lookig for her housband? Very nice..

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Withered Bride
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nemanja says:

Long Live America... (Da bar...)

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

Remembering a Fallen Brother
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nemanja says:

reminds me of Michael Jacksons Thriller..

(5 years and 3845 days ago)
