
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest
Thanks to alvimann from morguefile, for the pic of the little bird.
For: weave contest
thanks to mjranum-stock.deviantart thanks to hatestock
For: weave contest
Thanks to Goblin-Stock, Step-In-Time-Stock and Geek-Stock.
For: bird origami contest
Thanks to:
For: tilted bulb contest
thankyou for the brush to env1ro and Lisajen-stock for the pic of her
For: tilted bulb contest
source image used in: snake and moon see SBS for detail
For: weave contest
For: enhancement contest
Hopefully this is on theme, I see this as a "selective coloring" even though I had to re-create the eye since there was a lot of reflection I didn't like.
For: enhancement contest
This is my beautiful sister :) I made her this for her birthday (it was actually yesterday but this took longer than I thought it would) I did go to the link on the contest description and scrolled down through all the different images for some inspiration!! I ended up using this one (http://psd.tu...
For: retro contest
Tutorial imitated
For: retro contest
Thanks henryjose,rexgray
For: retro contest
Sources: for texture: tutorial guideline:
For: retro contest
Used Illustrator and Photoshop As guidelines used also these 2 tuts: 1. 2.
For: retro contest
This is the real one , i did the vintage street car poster after the car poster. All sources are my own from Illinois Railway Museum
For: retro contest
For: retro contest
Images, magic wand, adjusts, filters, erase tool, blur tool
Thanks to garryknight at for the clown hair.
For: white face contest