A Warming Gift

Fix it @MossyB Sorry was my mistake :)
Inspiration - just came back off holiday where we spent a lot of time building sand castles ....
Or love turns people into ignorant fools...
The angel, which holds the key to the unknown is protected by the Demon snakes.
Want to go out? Have chores to do? No problems! Buy a set of dummy legs and place them where you should be working. Slick placed his set of dummny legs sticking out from underneth the car. Here we see Bob and Slick discussing Bob's idea and how GREAT it is going to work. No one will ...
Credits: http://chamberstock.deviantart.com http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com http://lpdragonfly.deviantart.com
For: white face contest
This is a good friend of mine I did a photo shoot for several years back. hope you like it...her :)
For: enhancement contest
My dark style.. Stock + painting.
Thanks to Eirian-Stock: http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/ (Stock Rules ok: http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/journal/38001069/)
I have made necessary changes see SBS for detail http://qbrushes.net/plants/ground-plants-brushes/
please see high resolution before voting friends!!
For: dill flower contest