One tough cookie

For: diptych contest
For: diptych contest
For: rain puddles contest
For: diptych contest
For: diptych contest
For: panoramic interiors contest
recently had mass flooding all around the area we live with some times being completely swamped by rain, and here is a pic i took of a paddock with flood waters at sunset HAVE ANOTHER PHOTO I CAN ADD TO MY PROFILE (if people wish) TO SHOW A CAR DRIVING ON THE ROAD THAT I WAS STANDING ON TO GET TH...
For: rain puddles contest
Maybe I ought to make known that the actual image has been rotated by 180 deg. Best season greetings to all of you, kind people
For: rain puddles contest
A rain puddle full of leaves. This one had not been drowned yet; sadly another downpour and it to would succumb.
For: rain puddles contest
For: pxl letters contest
Well come to the dark side!
For: pxl letters contest
For: face closeup contest
For: face closeup contest
For: macro bugs 2 contest
after trying for about a hr n lost count of number of shots. I think this is close, still think I need to set shutter just a little faster.
Very hard shot to get as he never stops moving so i was very lucky to get this
For: face closeup contest