A New Horizon Awaits

Thank you Frank, and thanks to all you talented people out there, it's been a great ride.
For: the final goodbye contest
Thank you Frank, and thanks to all you talented people out there, it's been a great ride.
For: the final goodbye contest
All epic stories end as our heroes ride off into the sunset! As the town of PXL decays and memories fade, our love will endure forever. Thanks for years of inspiration, fun and friends! I wish everyone good luck and amazing lives! (Attribution:Alex,Paul Mayne,mlhradio,Don Graham,Panama,brenrub,M...
For: the final goodbye contest
These might be considered retro now, but way back in third grade, they were the height of fashion.
For: eye glasses contest
The Goblin Troll captured a rare Wish Gremlin, now he can have anything he wishes for. New Clothes, snazzy shoes and even a new home. What's even better, now he has a friend to keep him company which was all he really wanted. Wood Texture from CG Textures http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=...
A little fun with a favorite movie series. I love Indiana Jones and Mr. Bean so... Poster is designed to have the feel of the originals.
For: recasting contest
I've always loved old fashioned hot rods. Now instead of chopping cars for real (as we used to call it) I do my chopping with Photoshop.
For: alfa beer contest
Guardian of responsible beer drinkers everywhere!
For: alfa beer contest
For: hairy bug contest
Thanks to e_monk form flickr for the pic of the blue bird.
For: architectural symmetry contest
Credits to faestock boogy man
mantis vs rhino beetle -hope you enjoy . check SBS for how I made it ! IMPORTANT: go for high res!
For: architectural symmetry contest
For: fisherman contest
Brush is PS default (fuzzball) to wich I added the seed.
For: dandelion contest
A primordial world where humans and dinosaurs survive together. Very much like a Frazetta scenario. Sorry Lelaina but climbing is required for this one. Pterodactyl is from Flickr by Will Spaetzel www.flickr.com/photos/redune/4174425/sizes/o/in/photostream
For: klettern verboten contest
Tks to: James Robertson http://www.sxc.hu/profile/jxr006 Squid http://squidlarkin.deviantart.com/ Heather http://xkenren.deviantart.com/ Fantasy-Stock http://fantasystock.deviantart.com/
For: klettern verboten contest
credits for stock images to: riktorsashen from DA for sea image TwilightAmazonStock from DA for sailboat model image Xovoire from DA for wooden basket image ladydove7-stock from DA for pirate gunner image najustock from DA for pirate flag image bruno-free from sxc.hu for old pan image chech...
This is to all the grandparents out there .
For: ps tournament 2 round 2 contest
About the Image :Thats a steam factory at the background and those guys in black are not ghosts,they are steam factory workers and the main 2 bots are in the front . The left bot is giving a ring that he made it from his bottom of his heart for his.........(u know) I am so tired now .....cant...
For: ps tournament 2 round 1 contest
Louie Lemon takes a walk with his main squeeze, Loretta Lime, on a warm summer day.
For: genetic engineering contest
The Creation of Adam is a section of Michelangelo's fresco Sistine Chapel ceiling painted circa 1511. It illustrates the Biblical story from the Book of Genesis in which God breathes life into Adam, the first man. Chronologically the fourth in the series of panels depicting episodes from Genesis on ...
For: fork off contest