4 comments given:
avatar nichev
nichev says:

I like the idea. It's a vary cute composition

The shadows on the dog and the "bone" don't mach. And using refine selection and Decontaminate color is a good idea for removing that green fur on the kitty. And you can tweak the exposure a bit so all the segments mach. A soft color overlay might do the job.

(5 years and 2920 days ago)

Cat Nap
avatar nichev
nichev says:

Now that's what i call creative! And you used one of my favorite color combinations Grate Job!

Edit: There are some leftover sports you might wanna mask. If it was intentional just ignore what i just sayed

(5 years and 2923 days ago)

avatar nichev
nichev says:

From My point of view the people in the image look a bit flat (mostly the woman in the white dress and person with the hat next to her) not sure if you where aiming for a 2D kinda look but you got it If you add some shadows and fix the light that's going right trough the woman with the black dress it's going to be way better.

P.S. I think the Captain did it. He's not fooling anyone with that fake smile

(5 years and 2926 days ago)

Clue Game