18 comments given:
avatar niiicoleyy

The contest rules state that statues are off-theme.

(5 years and 3202 days ago)

Look closely
avatar niiicoleyy

wow, this is absolutely stunning!

(5 years and 3293 days ago)

Sunflower swirl
avatar niiicoleyy

haha....clever. I know what it is. Flashlights in peoples' mouths.

(5 years and 3502 days ago)

avatar niiicoleyy

I guess I have a little bit of insecurity about posting my stuff, because I've never actually been taught anything about photography... ever, haha. But then again, that's why I'm on sites like this- to learn.

(5 years and 3547 days ago)

Hot Topic
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why is a girl, whom I assume is on Earth, watching Earth explode?

(5 years and 3547 days ago)

planet collisions
avatar niiicoleyy

I don't even know why I entered a photo in this contest after seeing your submission!!!!

(5 years and 3549 days ago)

Hot Topic
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Your eye makeup is lovely in this shot, but if I may make a suggestion... try to use less coverup while shooting yourself as a subject. In the high resolution photo, the excess makeup sort of looks caked up, and ruins the texture of your skin, especially with a shot this close up.

(5 years and 3549 days ago)

im just me