
For: rubber bands contest
For: cattle 2 contest
when it counts only the present
For: paulo coelho quote contest
These clouds kind of "boil" and are rare around here. They almost always mean a big storm is coming. This is 5 shots. I had to shrink it fairly small to get it to upload, so it looks better if you go to the high res and then magnify it. Look right over the farm at the right, the dark ar...
Hoops of what? Easter Eggs! Happy Easter!
For: easter eggs contest
very long name Mariadonatella for alls. Donatella :)
For: your name 2 contest
We've gone a long way, and you can always lean on my - that's what friends are for.
For: abstract friendship contest
Replaced the previous off theme entry
For: piling up 2 contest
Used the face closeup as a layer, changed the mode to darken, took down the opacity just a bit. Both are my photos.
Cleaning up after dinner
For: looking back contest
roller coaster ride with many angles.
For: angles 2 contest
For: grey shades contest
Fractalius Filter
For: one filter contest