
thanks to peroni68, night-fate-stock, javierzhx for images and brushes
For: kavia bowl contest
thanks to sammykaye1sstamps, sitara-leotastock and skybase for the images.
thanks zxcdesigns, matrija-stock, markhal, eirian-stock for the images
For: brick wall contest
Thanx SomeonesBlues, shortcakesnail-Stock, pueang,
For: mixed manipulations 2 contest
Thanx LilyStox, Shoofly-Stock, Eirian-stock, hatestock, LucieG-Stock, Illyera and swe3ty for source images
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
Thanks to cryofmercury and stewartsteve for stock images
In 3000AD archeologists and scientist found out that the reason that causes the drought is the earth monster...they live beneath earth crust ...whenever they get thirsty, they suck up the water from earth. thanx to eirian-stock and mipossum for images.
The Soviet Union's collapse into independent nations began early in 1985. Several Soviet Socialist Republics began resisting central control, and increasing democratization led to a weakening of the central government. This fact was considered true until 3000AD. A group of archeologists found out t...
this is a Buddha folklore. According to d story Buddha was a white elephant with six tusks in one of his past lives. He had 2 wives. One of them comitted suicide bcoz of jealousy wid d other one. She took birth in as a princess, but couldnt forget d jealousy. So she ordered d hunters to bring d head...
For: fairy tales contest
thanx to angelcurioso, falln-stock for image and brushes
For: mystic draws contest
thanx to crystall92, malicia-stock, dollfie-chan, lunanyxstock, kw-stock, fantasystock for brushes and stock images
For: glass contest
thanx Shoofly-Stock, erdmute, eli-stock and buzillo-stock for stock images
i m thankful to janejayne, arsenopyrite, steppeland, moon-willowstock, hanratty-stock, for stock images
For: ginormous contest
thnx EViL-KiTTie-stock, rL-Brushes and Shoofly-Stock for the stock images and brushes
For: fairies contest
i m thankful to sammigurl61190, rinymph-stock, bignosetw, rl-brushes for the brushes and stock images
For: fairies contest
All Source
For: old tractor contest
only source image used
For: banana bench contest
i have used chrome filter and layer overlay for this effect
only the source image....
thnx to simmbarb and night_fate for the photos...
For: dreary day contest