Bouncer Smurf

For: smurfs contest
Rural closed window image here:
For: smurfs contest
I'm really sorry for the SBS, I have only several minutes left to submit my work so I can't do anything better. Basically, this entry was made by digital painting with some external sources as I mentioned.
For: kavia bowl contest
credits and thanks:
Only ps and one stock used.. thanks for the stock. the owner has been informed.
For: manuka contest
Source image and photoshop
For: saving grace contest
For: super strong contest
A little ambient and some flash.. A speedlight held in a 42" reflected umbrella with a dodgy umbrella bracket. Constantly worried about seeing the speedlight fall..... fortunately, No flashes were harmed during this photoshoot
For: l is for contest
only source image used please see the sbs... :)
For: cheeseburger contest
Credits to valentine-FOV-Stock, Obsidian Dawn
For: carved contest
Hand drawn in Photoshop with just the smudge tool. More explanation in the SBS.
For: broken heart contest
Ahhh... the joy of sand between the toes on a warm tropical beach.
For: sky walking contest
For: sky walking contest
Used photoshop, illustrator and PxlEyes source thanks to Avieth.
34mm iso200 1/800 F14
For: l is for contest
For: animal logos contest
There is a Leaf Butterfly hidden amongst the leaves... Can you find it? -- Image of the dog is of my own. -- Image of the Leaf Butterfly used under free licensing by author J.M.Garg.
For: i spy contest