Entry number 91870
I might as well show one more that I liked doing, took a real long time to put together all of the images,...too many to show or find again.
For: welcome back contest
I might as well show one more that I liked doing, took a real long time to put together all of the images,...too many to show or find again.
For: welcome back contest
For: welcome back contest
Lovely nickname given to me :) Can you feel the love? hehehe
For: self chops 2 contest
A huge amount of hand painting was used to make this image coherent, settle the lightning and modify some details.
Thanks to: http://life-wont-wait-stock.deviantart.com/ http://lisajen-stock.deviantart.com/ http://sockmonkeystock.deviantart.com/ http://lostmemoryofadream.deviantart.com/ First time at this style... not the best one, but.....
For: dark surrealism 2 contest
For: sailing away contest
For: sailing away contest
I have never tried to do anything like this so it was certainly a learning experience. The wonders of this site, making us try something totally different. Thanks to dead-stock at DeviantArt for the face. Thanks to pj_vanf at Flickr for the apple. Thanks to asmozz at DeviantArt for the backgrou...
For: sliced contest
Please check the SBS to find what I made of the original "cloud" source.
For: cloud contest
Thanks to: Softz Shudder-Stock Synthetic-Pain-Stock Jagged-Eye (stock rules: http://jagged-eye.deviantart.com/journal/Using-my-Stock-Rules-229040195) All stocks owners will be notified via NOTE.
a girl needed a home and some kind folks are building her one.
For: rural robo contest
Brush is PS default (fuzzball) to wich I added the seed.
For: dandelion contest
Because my dad always protected me... RIP, my dear daddy! Thanks to Night Fate Stock
For: daddy and daughter contest
Element war digital painting
Thanks to: Stuart Rochford: http://zigabooooo.deviantart.com/ http://vividlight.deviantart.com/ Gary Romin: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/garyr http://lennarish.deviantart.com/
For: swamp guy contest
That one dude....AND BUZZ! lol. I referenced one of the pics in the link via a screenshot.
CMYK46's badass pic, drawn in a comic book like style