For: movie scenes contest
Special thanks to: Lisajen-stock: (for model) Monica Marinho: (for forest) And her's stock rules:
For: fern contest
Thanks to Emik for the pic of the ground texture. The rest is PS, and imagination.
For: fern contest
This is an artist that I really respect. His creativity and artistic style always impress me. I decided to make an imaginative portrait of him (quite caricature), director Tim Burton, as inspired by his characters in Alice in Wonderland like Hatter, Absalom, and the the Big head Queen of hearts. Al...
Thanks to Sugene @ SCX for the skull image The images for the sky, the ground and the tree are mine.
Start to finish done in cs, A child's imagination is his best friend. You can even play hide and seek with a giant red mogwort. No sources of any kind, just MY imagination.
I played around with the source and saw this little guy, the rest was straight forward photoshopping. Background is from z287marc at Flickr. Creature is all source.
For: ostrich contest
taken with a 1.3 megapixel camera about 4 years ago
For: dogs contest
there comes a day in every snowman's life...they hear the dreaded word...."Spring"
For: snowman contest
Thanks to nick-b-photos at for the old man stone face; to Juergen Kurlvink at for the tree source; to andrewpescod at for the eagle;
For: biker bridge contest
done in acrylics
For: your pet contest
Special thanks to Nicole Kotschate: (for the water) Alex Bruda: (for the parallelepiped) Lisajen-stock:§ion=&q=Pink+Hat+1#/d1fuopq (for the model)
For: biker bridge contest
Is it really worth getting rabies.
For: rodents contest
A painting completed in approximately 5-7 hours with Paint Tool SAI, then adjusted the colors in Photoshop CS5
Please see the highresolution before voting
Inspired by the French Art Deco necklaces of the 1920s/30s
For: art deco contest
For: dogs contest
My neighbor's new puppy.
For: dogs contest