Disneys pluto,
sourses. thanks to CGTextures thanks to jvangalen thanks to Kaliyoda thanks to redvisualg than...
Source image and Photoshop
For: kitchen view contest
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
Spring winds call Soon the dragonflies Thank you to Lucretia-stock and Alegion-stock! Sky overlay image is my own - see SBS Step 2. Permission for stock use SBS Step 8. Tried sugge
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
Source, Photoshop, My sketch, And a lot of work. Please watch the High resolution before voting..
For: kitchen view contest
This is classic fantasy meets Sci-Fi. A speculation of how the Emerald City Palace might look with a futuristic twist. Here surrounded by a magical aura floating through the cosmos the city can move anywhere in the universe instantaneously. Trees are from flickr, brushes from JennB all else is con...
For: kitchen view contest
Only Source
For: kitchen view contest
Working on sbs :-)
"I am Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!"
credits to -
For: mask contest
sorry for crappy pic pencil, watercolor, coffee
For: seahorses TD contest
My attempt to show Gramophone De Luxe (shown in source1,2) as a new product in the market.. Thanks to phonogalerie for the visual references.
For: music mayhem contest
You never know what kind of surrealism can come out of some pictures.
For: old bench contest
...the ceiling is the limit! Thanks to: -; - Lev Dolgatshjov and Christophe Schimid @ Photoxpress; - cienpies, lusi, COBRASoft 2heads Advertising, weewillyd and jana koll @ RGBStock.
For: no gravity contest
Also used:Milk Carton- Dora Mitsonia- Davide Guglielmo- Ove Topfer- Kriss Szkurlatowski- Frank alfababy-http://alfababy.devia...
For: kabooza contest
Only the source image is used
For: dust bin contest
For: kitchen view contest