Just Build Around It

Credit to grngobstpr for the street source
For: petra contest
Credit to grngobstpr for the street source
For: petra contest
Shh He's sitting next to me using the latest technology. Don't tell anybody. Is Pxleyes available as an App? Thanks to cyclephotos & Andreas Blixt Too subtle?
For: elvis lives contest
All she ever does is play that piano all the time, non-stop. Every day. All Day. It's driving me insane....Please stop. Please make it stop........ Credit to ~KeReN-R for the blood brushes and jelleprins for the model.
For: piano player contest
So that's what they're made of.... With thanks to Tinou Bao and bas3ssen
For: marine hat contest
Credit and thanks to: Mortimer?, ippei + janine, darkpatator, ^riza^, Mean and Pinchy. Search Tags: Paradise Fishing
For: flickr ratatouille contest
Going where no other bulb has been before.
For: bulbs contest
sorry but I was feeling hungry.......
Do aliens glow in the dark?
My first attempt at Out Of Bounds - please be kind.
Very simple image but thought the effect was good.
For: banana slug contest
For: windmill contest
Comments welcome - Still learning this photoshop...
For: iron beams contest