26 comments given:
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oddsock says:

The background is a gr8 find as are all the source images
excellent edit : )

(5 years and 2288 days ago)

Entry number 89551
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oddsock says:

I love the humor and number plate : )

(5 years and 2288 days ago)

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oddsock says:

The little girl is a neat touch ! shadows are hard to get right
well done : )

(5 years and 2288 days ago)

Entry number 89598
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oddsock says:

Yes neat idea but the smoke lets it down, you could paste the smoke in as two layers, make the back layer a little larger then turn the opacity down on both until you get a good mix and a softer edge : )

(5 years and 2288 days ago)

The Graveyard Express
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oddsock says:

The 3 elements come together to make a gr8 image : )

(5 years and 2288 days ago)

Above the Atoll
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oddsock says:

A lot of work in this edit, it all comes together to make a great image : )

(5 years and 2294 days ago)

Planetoid Megalopolis
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oddsock says:

I really like the lighting and shadows, great edit : )

(5 years and 2296 days ago)

Lunar Horizon
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oddsock says:

Really well done, makes a gr8 image : )

(5 years and 2299 days ago)

Space Odyssey
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oddsock says:

If this was in a square format it would make gr8 cover art : )

(5 years and 2302 days ago)

Soul Asylum
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oddsock says:

You are not the only one to trip over the rules, the CC.org works well.

(5 years and 2302 days ago)

The Stone Roses
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oddsock says:

A great idea and edit : )

(5 years and 2304 days ago)

Remains Of The Past
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oddsock says:

Great lighting and clever idea.

(5 years and 2304 days ago)

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oddsock says:

I like this this flying machine a lot, really good work.

(5 years and 2304 days ago)

Entry number 88943
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oddsock says:

Cleggan is a magic place, good work on the beachcomber and his catch.

(5 years and 2304 days ago)

Harvest off of Cleggan (Sellerna Beach)
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oddsock says:

Too funny : )

(5 years and 2306 days ago)

One Direction
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oddsock says:

I'm lost for words, this is fantastic work! instant fav : )

(5 years and 2311 days ago)

avatar oddsock
oddsock says:

I like this idea ! you are clear to land : )

(5 years and 2313 days ago)

Almost home