Rainy day

For: let it rain contest
For: single leaf contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
My impression of a seagull distorted by heat waves...or something like that...psychoactive substances may be involved here, at least I hope so. :)
For: no painting contest
Selections, fills, filters, Transform tool, Dodge / Burn, Liquify - warp. Some of the suggested elements for this contest. No brush or painting used at all. Just an old PS program that I still have. Anemonae desaturated and lowered brightness. Fish, one of them, burned more lines to make it d...
For: no painting contest
Isso é um desenho de uma grade que tem umas das praias do Chile
For: symmetry 2 contest
Time over for "One sense less", so I'm uploading this entry here... Thanks to: - petrenko @ Sxc.hu; - Paul Moore @ Photoxpress; - Renaud d'Avout d'Auerstaedt @ Wikimedia Commons; - calebkimbrough @ Flickr.
For: mixed manipulations 7 contest
credits to: xNickixstockx b-e-c-k-y-stock Falln-Stock
For: mixed manipulations 7 contest
I will not be able to offer a very good step by step because I wasn't aware of saving each photo and step if you used your own photos. Its going to mainly have the photos I used to create this final image. I only used 2 photos to create this one.
For: self chops contest
Yes its a bit grim but still one of my favorites. 2 images were used to create final picture. Both images are mine.
For: self chops contest
This rare bug can only be seen on the hottest of hot days in the Arizona desert. He can be seen hopping from side to side jumping and spinning with head thrown back as if singing. His fancy foot work and skillful pirouettes are something to behold as he scampers from shady spot to shady spot. ...
For: flanimals dd contest
This little flanimal sleeps under beds, looking remarkably like a dust ball, until it hears a dryer running. It then sneaks out and steals just one sock. No one knows where they hide the socks.
For: flanimals dd contest
:-) Thanks to Night Fate :)
For: champignons contest
Thanks to Paulus62 for the pic of the rocks. The rest is PS. I can write a story about this Sci-Fi scene but I will like, for those who like alien adventures, and creating monster from other galaxies, to figure out, what is happening here.
For: champignons contest
I've created the background using the extrude filter. In the background I had initially the source image with the blue effect on. credits and thanks: http://fetishfaerie-stock.deviantart.com
For: champignons contest
I'm back, fully inspired and passionate...hope you like my new creation :) credits and thanks: http://wizard-studios.deviantart.com http://www.cgtextures.com
For: asian girl contest
When I started this, I had something totally else in mind, but my skills still have to catch up to my imagination, lol. All SBS coming tomorrow night.
For: asian girl contest