
Mods! How do I delete my account and all my images. Support is not answering :(
For: alienate contest
Mods! How do I delete my account and all my images. Support is not answering :(
For: alienate contest
birds and trees Rons Brushes
its a shame i have to cover he beautiful boobies :(
For: surrealism 3 contest
For: snow globes contest
no sources except you know who. ;)
For: design a member avatar contest
For: design a member avatar contest
A spectrum magazine submission, sadly did not get in. Better luck next time :P And yes the dragon head was original created here in a contest from an iguana pic.
For: welcome back contest
Sorry about the stamp.
For: welcome back contest
For: the final goodbye contest
when I was 7 my mother went to art collage. she brought home a huge text book which I would look through quite regularly. My favorite pic was Salvador Dali's Temptation of st Anthony. I would stare at it for ever and imagine I was there in the scene.
While griffins are most common in the art and lore of Ancient Greece, there is evidence of representations of griffins in Ancient Persian and Ancient Egyptian art as far back as 3,300 BC.[5][6] Most statues have bird-like talons, although in some older illustrations griffins have a lion's forelimbs;...
For: mythological creatures contest
For: comic book contest
For: ps tournament 6 round 1 contest
photos in SBS mine.
For: enemy friendship 2 contest
For: ps tournament 6 round 1 contest
Don't pick that book!
For: old milkpots contest