
For: makeover contest
For: ps tournament 4 round 3 contest
For: ps tournament 4 round 2 contest
Well I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel goodWell I love a rainy nightIt's such a beautiful sightI love to feel the rainOn my face
For: ps tournament 4 round 1 contest
Remember when my mind Was blown out, from the front of my head? Well now my skulls on fire. Trev Kill.
I had a nightmare of this guy when I was 3 or 4. Wasn’t in school yet I know that. Stayed the night with my grandma and woke just screaming. When I was awake I could still see him in the corner of the room. Took a long time for my grandma to settle me down.
For: dark surrealism 2 contest
As the dusk creep in, After a long and tiring day; The guardian watches, Keeping all harm at bay.
For: majesty contest
had a ps crash and lost some data. wish i had more time but here it is anyway :( http://www.flickr.com/photos/williamhook/1506578592/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/joachim_s_mueller/3370454075/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettwade/6426590029/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/brenda-starr/348804...
For: ps tournament 2 round 3 contest
For: ps tournament 2 round 2 contest
For: ps tournament 2 round 2 contest
and blimp http://www.flickr.com/photos/gsbrown99/6315417956/
For: ps tournament 2 round 1 contest
For: destruction therapy contest