0 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Heathcliffe

yep. Not very weird. Beautiful, yes.

(5 years and 2549 days ago)

avatar ctbugan
ctbugan says:

This is a great picture and idea, but it could me more of a fashion image if it showed more clothing.

(5 years and 2550 days ago)

avatar jelguoce
jelguoce says:

hahaha dancing too

(5 years and 2551 days ago)

Rainy walk
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

"Singin' in the Rain!"

(5 years and 2554 days ago)

Rainy walk
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Sorry author, but I believe this is most a portrait than a fashing photo....sorry

(5 years and 2554 days ago)
