Thanks to Eirian-Stock: http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/ (Stock Rules ok: http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/journal/38001069/)
Thanks to Eirian-Stock: http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/ (Stock Rules ok: http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/journal/38001069/)
My dark style.. Stock + painting.
I have made necessary changes see SBS for detail http://qbrushes.net/plants/ground-plants-brushes/
please see high resolution before voting friends!!
For: dill flower contest
created this for the new species contest, but was not able to finish it on time.
mountains brushes - JavierZhX http://getbrushes.com/nature-photoshop-brushes/javierzhx-vector-mountains-brush-set.php
For: funny faces contest
simple to do, but I liked the idea visually.. Hope you do too. the images are copyrighted, but I belive that is allowed in this contest?
For: stepping out contest
Only Photoshop used
For: no painting contest
Selections, fills, filters, Transform tool, Dodge / Burn, Liquify - warp. Some of the suggested elements for this contest. No brush or painting used at all. Just an old PS program that I still have. Anemonae desaturated and lowered brightness. Fish, one of them, burned more lines to make it d...
For: no painting contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
other sources used: thanks and credit to costi http://www.sxc.hu/photo/839683 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Victoria_Crater,_Cape_Verde-Mars.jpg hisks http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1095732 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1097780
For: shoe fantasy contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
No outside sources used. Birds are made from parts of wasp which they are now eating for lunch!
For: wasp closeup contest