Creature of Evolution
Decided to make some sorta wasp ant like creature. Something that has possibly been growing and evolving deep in a cave some where....well not so deep that there can't be sunlight :)
For: wasp closeup contest
Decided to make some sorta wasp ant like creature. Something that has possibly been growing and evolving deep in a cave some where....well not so deep that there can't be sunlight :)
For: wasp closeup contest
Created in Vue 9.5 and Photoshop CS5.1 credit to davecpayne from Flickr for the image of the Geisha
For: opacity maps contest
Well if you think I look funny you should see the one I'm looking at.-- Gotcha ! No sources of any kind used.
For: funny faces contest
I can't say I actually used the link image as a source, but it was a inspiration for the piece
For: funny faces contest
Simply put made the girl the earrings and the earrings the girl. All from contest photo
aibohphobia- n: irrational fear of palindromes. As she walks down the street at night this poor aibohphobic girl is envisioning radar, a kayak, a civic, a racecar, and a level.
For: palindromes contest
For: palindromes contest
A team of scouts discovers the invading forces advancing through the forest. I would like to mention & thank Marcus Ranum, for his quality stock. Mouse drawing the characters would have taken me another 2 days to finish the entry. Please check the full resolution.
For: cheeseburger contest
only the source is used
For: cheeseburger contest
Because High Cholesterol is injurious for health...
For: cheeseburger contest
only source image used please see the sbs... :)
For: cheeseburger contest
Sincere thanks to: :devEirian-stock: for the girl ~Polly-Stock for the elf baby swillowness for the field
For: palindromes contest
For: broken heart contest
Hand drawn in Photoshop with just the smudge tool. More explanation in the SBS.
For: broken heart contest
done with pens and colored pencils
For: tapes and cd contest
Thanks to George55 for the Jar (pxleyes stock) and Auroradreams for the boy. The background image is my own (see SBS for permission etc.)
For: day to night contest
The moon is made with elliptical tool, render clouds, outer glow, the sky filled with black, addn noise, lowered with levels
For: day to night contest