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Cool movie info, author. Reminds me of one or two other early scifi films.
(5 years and 3340 days ago)In this Metropolis film, was there only a single eye on the robot? (The image at wiki shows two.)
How does one go about getting a non CR photo of Hef? OK, CMYK, do YOU know any of the bunnies?????

(5 years and 3340 days ago)This is hilarious, author! While you look for that shot of Hef, maybe change to a 'smoking jacket'... great idea for this contest!
EDIT: OMG, this is totally do-able - there ARE some shots of him, non CR!
Yep, guessed it was you, author. Very nice work on the outfit and helmet, and you know I LOVE that raygun!!
(5 years and 3343 days ago)Pretty darned clever, author, and the painted parts work perfectly!
(5 years and 3343 days ago)I love how you can see a face with reflected pieces, then make a little character from the rest. Kids' book character for sure!
(5 years and 3343 days ago)Ditto that, Arca, and LOL, Drivenslush!
(5 years and 3343 days ago)Gorgeous work as usual, author. Love how you incorporate the elements from illustrator.
It's brilliant that you saw iris petals in that egg mess, but even more, I love how you constructed the vase. Adding the eggs and leaves at the end reminds me of when I was in art school (ages ago!)
(5 years and 3343 days ago)Very nice idea and execution, author!
(5 years and 3343 days ago)The petals on the floor are also a nice touch. And the flowers gave that room the color it needed!
(5 years and 3343 days ago)


(5 years and 3343 days ago)Clever, author - they need to add that one to the official list.
It's ALWAYS 4:20 SOMEWHERE, Drivenslush!
You really know how to mess with shapes! Great title, too, author.
(5 years and 3344 days ago)This is beautiful! Great colors and work with the bears.
(5 years and 3345 days ago)Too funny! Nice one, author. Army ant, LOL, and I bet his backpack is full of candy.
(5 years and 3345 days ago)That's cool, very clever!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)And it's already a 'mini' version.
OMG, this is adorable! Very nice job, and I agree about the background, the simple spotlight effect works. Good contrast in color to the ants, too.

(5 years and 3348 days ago)And YIKES, I watched the video, too................ *cleanup in aisle 2*
That could be fun - or scary, Bob!
(5 years and 3348 days ago)Good finds and nice fittin' together, author.
Simple, yet so creative.

(5 years and 3348 days ago)Creative, yet so simple.
Coo Coo CaChoo. Woo-Hoo, it's both!
Actually, the main part of the Wooble reminds me of the Alien creature's ribs.
(5 years and 3349 days ago)Really nice, love that you added the string of lights behind the globe, and all the reflections.
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Very nice work on this, especially the base, really original.
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Very nice work on the globe and snowman. Even though you didn't draw the book, the texture you put on it looks great, as does the reflection in the globe, and it's a great addition to your image.
(5 years and 3350 days ago)This is pretty cool. Love the genie effect, and especially what the 'exhaust' pipe really is..... tho I think a more appropriate name for it would be the 'intake valve'.
Interesting snow/noise effect for this. Rock on, Josh, btw, haircut looks good. 
(5 years and 3350 days ago)This could have only been done by you, author. Nice connection with the poem.
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Aces! Very clever. Same guy, different clothes?! Very on-theme, nice one, author.
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Very nice attention to detail here, and even though the proportion of the woman to the reindeer might be off a little, it's still very good. Shadows on the reindeer and pelican add to the realism. Almost missed the frog, that's a nice touch!
(5 years and 3350 days ago)For heavens sake, I'm a natural-born American and never heard that word, nor did Mr. Webster. Luckily, Mr. Google has. And somehow, it's so appropriate!
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Nice job and good sentiment, author.
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Such an interesting composition. LOVE what you did with the chair and bubble!
(5 years and 3350 days ago)Um, what is 'sluing'???
Love the construction of the playground bars (?!) and colors. Sweet little doll coming out of frame, too.
(5 years and 3351 days ago)Love this! Overall nice work, tho the men on the far left look cut out a bit. But good coloring and blending, especially behind the trees in the distance. Some tedious work done here, pretty believable image! Very nice work, author.
(5 years and 3351 days ago)Makes me smile, love your step 4 for the eye!
(5 years and 3351 days ago)Good idea for this background, author. What a nice family portrait!
(5 years and 3351 days ago)Very eerie 'machines', nice coloring and integration to source.
(5 years and 3351 days ago)Very nice image, author.
(5 years and 3351 days ago)Great idea to make the tap a ship, but where do the insides and outside texture come from, or how were they made? (not in sbs)
(5 years and 3353 days ago)Edit: Thank you for that explanation, author, tho it came many hours after your first posting. No reason to give me a negative point for just asking, it was a valid question.
Very nicely put together, author, the golfball arm is a brilliant texture to blend into the hands. Nice touch with the Texas belt buckle, too.
(5 years and 3354 days ago)OMG. Fantastic work on the model's face, and LOL< you even pierced her 'snout'!:laughing2
(5 years and 3354 days ago)I also see a couple of things that could be tweaked: notice the difference in size between the vine leaves and the golden leaf to the right? Seems the vine leaves are way too small. Also, in the original photo of the tap, the drop of water is translucent - in this, the water drops are blue and not translucent at all, try lowering the opacity and maybe the blueness. Also, maybe blur slightly the background wall. Good luck, overall this has a nice feel.
(5 years and 3356 days ago)Mmmm, nice tushie, and so naughty! Good one, author.
(5 years and 3358 days ago)This is very creative, author. Love the colors and added mountains and frame. Is there a source for the Chinese characters?
(5 years and 3359 days ago)The fish is fantastic, but where did the two men come from? not mentioned in sbs, they just appear, as do the birds. This would make a wonderful illustration for a children's book.

(5 years and 3360 days ago)EDIT: ah, now they're in your sbs, nice little paintings, too, author!
Lots of elements nicely put together! The hawk
is a good contrast against the golden wheat and Stonehenge pillars. Very nice work, author. 
(5 years and 3361 days ago)Top notch work, author! Love the addition of the mountains that you painted. Only one thing, at the end did you add a vertical gradient? Great sbs, thanks, it's a keeper!
(5 years and 3361 days ago)Very nice work!
(5 years and 3361 days ago)So THAT's where the odd-socks go! This is adorable, author, and has such a Dr. Seussian name, love it.
(5 years and 3362 days ago)Adorable, I think this is the first 'pregnant robot' I've ever seen!
(5 years and 3364 days ago)This gave me such a chuckle! Great concept, author.
(5 years and 3365 days ago)Ooooh, this is so......naughty!

(5 years and 3365 days ago)Love it, nice work, even the symbols from bananas.
LOL, a 9mm Chiquita!

(5 years and 3365 days ago)Love that you used the non-obvious part of this to be your main focus. Nice work.
(5 years and 3365 days ago)