Under the sea

All source...with reference :)
For: street pawn contest
All source...with reference :)
For: street pawn contest
For: sea shells contest
I love Conchs! soooo I decided to paint one :D Reference used: Thanks to jessamyn.
For: sea shells contest
Credits to http://gothicbohemianstock.deviantart.com
For: metal heart contest
Through the eyes of the dog, most colors are near the gray scale, except the blue color... Thank ayelie-stock in Deviantart for the reference of the bird http://ayelie-stock.deviantart.com/art/09-Wildlife-Bluejay-05-148181726
couldn't resist... hehehe.. My photo combined with source built in PS7
For: rubber boats contest
Most likely a situation now one would want to be in.
For: frogs contest
i'll let the presentation to speak for me
For: weaving contest
With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate Of life at once untie: poor venomous fool Be angry, and dispatch. —Cleopatra, Act V, scene II Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
For: weaving contest
Source and PS CS4
For: modern lighthouse contest
A frog never give us a smile they are always in serious mood but here i mixedup realistic and cartoon both style and give little smile on its face and try to paint real texture on cartoon drawing as much as i can.
For: frogs contest
Hocus Pocus Potion!
For: magic contest
Source and Photoshop CS 4
For: mate contest
This was done in photo shop cs and painter 9 I did not do much sketching to start this as I knew I would be making changes along the way. I like to do most of my works using and moving colors around. No sources used.
For: magic contest
working on sbs
For: restaurant placement contest
My first try at realism. Edit: - Candle now has some depth
No other sources for structure elements used, only textures found at http://www.cgtextures.com Links to textures that were used can be found in the SBS as they were applied. Hope you like it! Thanks
Only the source image is used
For: wind wheels contest
Source only, clouds filter for background and soft brushes
For: falcon contest
All is created ith Photoshop
For: icon designs contest
Girl by Gilliann @ DeviantArt Goggles by Fetishfaerie-stock @ DeviantArt Hat by Lindowyn-stock @ DeviantArt Brass Tank by Spud @ stock.xchange Smoke Brushes by Falln-stock @ DeviantArt Metal texture from cgtextures.
Used layers, styles, brushes, gradient, texture (see credit), dodge and burn, etc.
For: egg contest