I C U ...

Steam Driven Binoculars ... could happen... !!! http://www.sxc.hu/photo/819625 Thanks to Frank Hermers
For: steam punk contest
Steam Driven Binoculars ... could happen... !!! http://www.sxc.hu/photo/819625 Thanks to Frank Hermers
For: steam punk contest
Oh well... This is the first time I ever attempted something like this lol... Please watch in High Res and comment... Need advices as where I made mistake and where I need to improve... Well I dunno whether I will be able to implement it now, but it will be useful for me in the future... An...
For: steam punk contest
Only source... I decided to put a black background, to make the piece stand out more... Pls view high res... Thanks
For: venice mask contest
Only the source image and PS used.
For: venice mask contest