Down and out

A homeless snail...well semi homeless
For: snails contest
A homeless snail...well semi homeless
For: snails contest
1 i duplicated the bat 2 copied the wing and pasted it onto the original bat adding some bumps where the fruit was hidden with bloat tool 3 c/p the fruit and desaturated it a bit and darkened it 4 added some shadows 5 added a filter
For: fruit contest
1 i selected the dogs jumper with quick selection tool, inversed it rubbed out the background 2 i c/p it onto the cat lowering the opacity 3 i used the puppet warp tool to more or less fit the cat 4 i c/p a hat onto the cat 5 cut the cat out and pasted him in his new clothes into the background ...
For: ugly cat contest
1 c/p the cat into the background 2 selected and stretched the cats tongue 3 c/p a spring for the cats eye 4 c/p an eyeball to the end of the spring, resized it and reshaped it with the move tool,also took samples of the original eye to make the coloured bit 5 painted an eyesocket where i though...
For: ugly cat contest
1 i copy pasted a sandcastle and lightened it 2 i copy pasted a boy added it to the scene 3 i copy pasted a bucket ansd spade lowering the saturation 4 i copy pasted a turtle to the scene 5 i copy pasted the girl lowereing the saturation 6 i copy pasted an icecream added it 7 i made shadows f...
For: peace contest
!, i added a face and lightened the area of statue that surrounded it 2, i added an arm tweaked to fit 3, i added a rose from my own photos. 4, i added a bird from my own photos, and shadow 5,i added a light ray on the angel.
For: angel statue contest