Bad Influence

This idea just popped into my head after thinking about this contest for a little while... Ever wonder what would happen if dolphins started making friends with sharks? Please check out the high res!
This idea just popped into my head after thinking about this contest for a little while... Ever wonder what would happen if dolphins started making friends with sharks? Please check out the high res!
Okay, I just couldn't resist messing with a photo of mistermonty!!! hope you like it MM :) edit: changed the background color...thanks for the comments guys!!
For: caricatures contest
Tried something new...wanted to make it look like the mascot was coming to life out of photoshop.
For: angry mascot contest
This one was quite fun to make...hope you all enjoy it!!
For: food play contest
okay...I originally did this the first time the contest was run but couldn't find some of the sources again so this is a complete re-do!! I think I kind of like this one better than the last time I did it!! Thanks mjranum for use of the barbarian man...his site is Oh one ...
For: greek gods contest
Please look at the step-by-step before voting. There was a lot of reconstruction work on the hand and suit where the violin used to be. Also sorry that it's not very high res. I saw this picture and thought it was perfect, but this is the highest resolution they had!
For: mimes contest
Okay...I spent a LOT of time trying to create this using photos and when I realized it was a hopeless I tried to clean up the sketch and enter it so that all my time wasn't wasted. (1) Stomp down on board to launch rock into the air. (2) Rock lands on balance causing one side to drop and the ot...
Okay...this is more of a throwback to some "classic" chopping. Tried my best to make this look real. Thanks for checking it out!!
Hey everyone!! This image is from when the contest was run the first time. I no longer have the step guide, although I just basically drew in the melted parts and then cloned the lizard skin over the drawn parts. For final touches I used dodge and burn to give the melted parts some dimension. I ...
For: melt it contest
While Lodd stood by the ocean contemplating the mysteries of the world, another being was contemplating lunch!
For: lodd contest