2334 comments given:
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photonut says:

Well done

(5 years and 827 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats for winning

(5 years and 827 days ago)

Young joy
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done Olga

(5 years and 827 days ago)

A Jewel Sparkles
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done

(5 years and 827 days ago)

A well done cookie?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Actually might have got that wrong,as now see its pupils looking up,apologys

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Maki Catta looking up
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Don,t like ketchup,whatever next.

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Can you spot the intruder?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done for winning this one

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Monday Lass
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats for winning

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Mammatus Clouds
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done for winning

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Damp Delivery
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Can you spot the intruder?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Nice shot but not looking up

(5 years and 834 days ago)

Maki Catta looking up
avatar photonut
photonut says:

yes agree

(5 years and 838 days ago)

Mini soccer champion
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Done or I wold be haha

(5 years and 841 days ago)

Beautiful Palette
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats on 1st

(5 years and 841 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats Olga for this,rather cute dog this

(5 years and 841 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats Olga for 1,2 and3 again,told you your street photos are good

(5 years and 841 days ago)

Hair Salon on Street
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats Olga for I,2 and 3,still not worth 3.2 euros though

(5 years and 841 days ago)

Beautiful Palette
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Its ment to be example Tuesdays child is full of grace,and everyday wording to suit each day,in other words the childs action/look should represent the days saying and and you should put that saying in.

(5 years and 842 days ago)

 Tablet Tuesday
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Day of the week!!!

(5 years and 843 days ago)

Wonderful Wednesday
avatar photonut
photonut says:

nice photo but again no day of the week

(5 years and 843 days ago)

Monday Funday
avatar photonut
photonut says:

But what day of the week

(5 years and 843 days ago)

 Tablet Tuesday
avatar photonut
photonut says:

That hat so makes her look cute

(5 years and 845 days ago)

Monday Lass
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Really clever this and good thinking behind it,uniwue

(5 years and 847 days ago)

Mini soccer champion
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats for 1,2, and 3 Drat,ha,ha was the best one though

(5 years and 848 days ago)

Remembering their fallen
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats on 1,2 and 3

(5 years and 848 days ago)

New morning
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats for 2,3,4

(5 years and 848 days ago)

Focus on Texture
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats Patty

(5 years and 848 days ago)

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photonut says:


(5 years and 848 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Observant use of street life,wonder though if b/w would give that extra starkness.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Like the urban decay in this one,like to know whats beyond the door,but then maybe not.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Kerala, India
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well observed slice of everyday street life.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Lucca Italy
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Has the aaarh factor and really like the lowish angle in this,you almost feel you are there observing these ducklings.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Almost an abstract feel in this and love the color.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Beautiful Palette
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Like what you have done to this,gives this car a bit of class.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Old Car
avatar photonut
photonut says:

would love to drive this one.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Cobra GT
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good description of what you took,not sure the movement of the monks tell a story though,think would have them in detail,but maybe wrong in this.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Morning Alms Collection
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good title in this,and the b/w gives makes the starkness of subject some sense of bleakness of the subject,low angle also does that

(5 years and 851 days ago)

There But for the Grace of God
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Like the contrast between the washing and building well observed photo.

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Life continues in Urban Decay
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Sort of thing you see in many places now,quite sad really

(5 years and 851 days ago)

Sad Life
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Looks it

(5 years and 852 days ago)

Fade to Black
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Works well in the panoramic effect.

(5 years and 852 days ago)

piggies !
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Love those ears in this

(5 years and 852 days ago)

Baby Rhino
avatar photonut
photonut says:

I like this one,now wished I had taken inside shots when I worked in these sort of places,good entry

(5 years and 852 days ago)

a bit messy in here ?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Needs a bit of paint/or demolish might be better

(5 years and 852 days ago)

A bit mouldy
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Almost look like sweets,but bet you would not want to eat these.

(5 years and 852 days ago)

Spider babies
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Clever to get decay in an old building,now wish I had got a few photos when I was doing up old houses

(5 years and 852 days ago)

Old Flu Connection
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Makes you feel cold looking at this,has a simplistic feel to it

(5 years and 852 days ago)

Fade to Black
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Really clever this,and although you cropped his head still like it

(5 years and 852 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

your welcome,i like the stallholders expression in this

(5 years and 853 days ago)

Sunday market
avatar photonut
photonut says:

So would like to eat these

(5 years and 854 days ago)
