2334 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Great shot! Very suitable candidate for black and white treatment due to the contrasting tones. The texture of the roof and walls compliments the texture of the rocks. I like this one a lot.

(5 years and 722 days ago)

Old Rural House
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

I like the depth to this image. It has 'volume' which makes a shot stand out.

(5 years and 722 days ago)

Distant Land
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like this shot a lot and it is because of the warm smile he has to the photographer, a comfortable feel in this. You have done well to keep the bike in place as it is about him and the story is richer. Your tonal qualities are really nicely handled as well. YOu have black and white with many gray tones that add lustre. The image is sharp "as a woman's tongue". You get high marks from me on this one.

(5 years and 727 days ago)

Me and My Motorbike
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like the way the bridge in the distance catches our eye.

(5 years and 727 days ago)

Nighttime Dip Anyone
avatar still26
still26 says:

I agree with the above comment...that Moulins a herbes costing 8 Euros is truly distracting and robs your otherwise very strong image.

(5 years and 730 days ago)

Local Produce
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like this one a lot it is visually very exciting. It is too bad you have some hot spots of complete blow outs but sometimes even the camera sees blows outs like our eyes do too.

(5 years and 730 days ago)

Fruit and Veg market stall
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Nice study of the stall holder. Its a pity the two sets of hair blend into each other but a great study of character.

(5 years and 730 days ago)

Want to Buy Anything
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Good atmosphere to this photo. Dedication in the faces. Lots here to see and enjoy.

(5 years and 730 days ago)

Fruit and Veg for Sale
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Aren't markets colourful. This shot really does capture those colours well.

(5 years and 730 days ago)

Fruit and Veg market stall
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Would this have been better without the edge of the shelf and the sign. maybe change the angle and shoot the stall straight on. Interesting image.

(5 years and 730 days ago)

Local Produce
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Rather an abstract effect. The image is well composed but I would have preferred the points of interest to have been sharp throughout.

(5 years and 733 days ago)

avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Superb composition. Love the horizontal lines - creates a very pleasing image. Very nice.

(5 years and 733 days ago)

Sunset over the pier
avatar Adam773
Adam773 says:

Nicely executed photo. Great smile that endears the subject to the viewer. But is it a photo of the bike or the person? Lovely period feel to the image with BSA and ARP in the image.

(5 years and 733 days ago)

Me and My Motorbike
avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice catch there!

(5 years and 734 days ago)

Coffe Cups
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good eyes for seeing this scene! You have sensor dust beneath that street sign, the silhouettes are soft.

(5 years and 734 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Thumbs up for this shot, well done.

(5 years and 734 days ago)

Sunset over the pier
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is the same woman I took a photo of in Croatia's morning market, how cool! I like your title and the photo surely speaks of an open market. Wish she would be doing something with the onions instead of looking into a garbage bin, expressionless. Technically the image is sharp, tightly cropped but enough marginal space. Our photography teacher often would say...."Wait for the photo to be born"...I think had you waited a tad you may have shot a more interesting image. Yeah, "wait for the photo to be born"....mind you, it is presumptuous of me to say this because perhaps this was exactly what you were trying to capture, so please forgive me.

(5 years and 734 days ago)

Knowing Your Onions
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hey, this is full of mystery and for some reason, I thought it was Michael Jackson. It is a tad dark, cloaked in ghost like features.

(5 years and 741 days ago)

Professor Snapes Cloak
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

I'll tell Nori!!!

(5 years and 743 days ago)

Making Chocolate
avatar still26
still26 says:

..........all the good ones are.......grrrrrrrrrrr.

(5 years and 743 days ago)

Making Chocolate
avatar still26
still26 says:

...........and I forgot to add. I want to marry him and live in chocolate heaven.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

Making Chocolate
avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice portrait but really soft. We need to see the wrinkles, character lines and also there is a lot of noise on this image, it could be because you zoomed it from across the channel LOL! There is a nice emotive aspect to your shot and I do like it.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

At the Ready
avatar still26
still26 says:

LOVE IT...perfect for this contest you will do well. A suggestion would be to go into your shadow/highlight lever and bring out the shadows on their faces a bit more for more pizzzazzzz. Still this is lovely.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

Marching to Order
avatar still26
still26 says:

Something quite serious is going down and with those uniforms we feel the impact of 'serious'.Is this as sharp as it can be? .........or do I have to visit my opthalmologist? Nice shot.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

Having a Chat
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like his intensity and how he is almost oblivious of you. Technically a nicely composed image. I'm happy to see this.

(5 years and 744 days ago)

Making Chocolate
avatar madamemonty

My first thoughts, Tintin has grown old, so I really had to laugh when I opened the comments to see that I wasn't the only one who thought of Tintin.

(5 years and 762 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Or maybe Bianca Castafiore is going to sing?

(5 years and 763 days ago)

avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

Oh my God ! Tintin lost Snowy...

(5 years and 763 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Oh! Do not complain, I would like so much to hear this song, even at 4 in the morning... well maybe not every night then!

(5 years and 767 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Brian!!! and happy new year

(5 years and 767 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Brian, very nice, one of my favourite birds... but not when he laughs outside my bedroom window at 4 in the morning.

(5 years and 767 days ago)

avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

The background is not very flattering...

(5 years and 770 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Good POV and you knew this too.

(5 years and 776 days ago)

Covehithe Old Church
avatar still26
still26 says:

I would be disappointed with the amount, very very very disappointed....however the picture is good.

(5 years and 776 days ago)

Caesar Salad
avatar still26
still26 says:

Love it.

(5 years and 776 days ago)

Its All Greek to me
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ha, love it.

(5 years and 776 days ago)

Send in the Clowns
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hmmm where have I seen him before. You have a lot of noise on this and he's soft but maybe you put the grain there. Determination well caught.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Needs more action but all the technical is in place.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Sailing Regatta
avatar still26
still26 says:

Beautiful tonal ranges, nicely caught, good shutter speed....a winner.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Powerboat Racing
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is super creative and to see this takes a photographic artist...and this is really well caught. I wouldn't mind hanging this one on my wall.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Reflective Sunglasses
avatar still26
still26 says:

WOW the mood is fantabulous, misty and oh so UK. The reflections caught provide lovely patterns and we carbon based bi peds LOVE LOVE LOVE patterns. Nice one this.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

Old Pier
avatar still26
still26 says:

Dear heart....this looks a bit over sharpened but the reflections are dynamite and your pov is superb.

(5 years and 783 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Yup, good one, also a good entry for BLUE colour contests on TOS. Sharp and good grunge shown. Thoughtfully composed. I like it.

(5 years and 789 days ago)

D is for Door
avatar still26
still26 says:

Wonder why you shot this from behind? We want to see their expressions of joy and not their behinds. But maybe you were gunning for body expression. I think this would have been a stronger photo had a different pov been shown. Technically tho, it is sharp and clear showing their "sweat" at the Sweat, Tar and Steam show.

(5 years and 789 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Art on the beach. Can you see you have noise and clipping (block ups) and that is due to exposure calibrations gone amuck. You have an artistic eye and it shows.

(5 years and 789 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, two thumbs up for this shot. I bet if you turned it into a b.w. high contrast it would work also...it would be fun to try. I like everything about this...from the warm colour to the details on the door to the "thou shalt not enter" feel. Just a good catch.

(5 years and 789 days ago)

D is for Door
avatar still26
still26 says:

WOW look at all those patterns, great church, great catch. A natural and unpretentious photograph, sharp as a whisker.

(5 years and 789 days ago)

Plaka Church
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good on you to tilt this, outta da box, and it works.

(5 years and 789 days ago)

Church Sprire
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good one, I like it, it is a nice stop action shot.

(5 years and 797 days ago)

Wheres it Gone
avatar still26
still26 says:

It's soft but I do believe you know that already. Really looking up huh!

(5 years and 797 days ago)

Whos up There