2334 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar still26
still26 says:

A nice memory photograph of a trip taken somewhere in Europe ...(those sausages?)

Night time / evening time darkness yet the image is sharp and we can see you thought about the composition.

(5 years and 955 days ago)

Mobile Kitchen
avatar still26
still26 says:

You needed to tell her she was beautiful (and she probably was), although many an older woman shy away from the camera as they look their age (old). This kitchen has a nice warm feel to it, it feels like I've just come "home" and I bet the food was to die for. Nice and sharp and interesting too, not your usual "kitchen".

(5 years and 955 days ago)

Mamas Kitchen
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good for you to see this...and to photograph it. Do make sure it is level. I think it is but just make sure...OK.

(5 years and 956 days ago)

Container Lifts
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is the kind of photo that makes one feel comfortable with those gorgeous colours and details shown. Could use a bit more marginal space on the left but we enjoy the image clearly.

(5 years and 956 days ago)

Two of a Kind
avatar still26
still26 says:

An OH WOW kind of find. To underexpose is a good idea because you can bring out details in the final processing. A touch on the shadow/highlight lever would bring out small details. Nicely composed photograph. You do get around.

(5 years and 956 days ago)

Four Windmills
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good eye with this shot, a bit of a nip at the right but it is still very pleasant to study as it is sharp, clear, good contrast.

(5 years and 956 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Love the idea, very good but the pebbles seem to take the spotlight for as you know our brains love love love patterns.

(5 years and 960 days ago)

Discarded Rope
avatar still26
still26 says:

It ought to have had a higher mark , in my mind.

(5 years and 961 days ago)

Pull Harder
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ahhh nice, bright, simple, strong. I like it.

(5 years and 966 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

REally love this one. It has it all....emotion, humour, good technical handling. Very nice.

(5 years and 971 days ago)

Pull Harder
avatar still26
still26 says:

I can hear her...yada yada yada do it this way.... Nice action shot with story although it is a re enactment. No blow outs on white and full of white. I bet this would look great in monochrome as well.

(5 years and 971 days ago)

Cutting Wood
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes to this rather handsome fellow, like everything about it, so there!

(5 years and 971 days ago)

Egyptian Vuture
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, white clearly seen and how well exposed is this with detail showing in the shadow..very well taken and I like the pov too.

(5 years and 971 days ago)

White Bottened Boat
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

It is a pity that the horizon line is leaned

(5 years and 972 days ago)

One in Front Wins
avatar still26
still26 says:

Really lovely lovey lovely lovey. A bit tight on the left and I looked this up on high resolution to make sure it was sharp....it is.

(5 years and 972 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, dof has been softened with focus on main characters. Why did you not wait for the "photograph to be born"? Them chowing down would have made a more interesting shot, still I like this in b/w making it timeless.

(5 years and 972 days ago)

Having Lunch
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hello, really nice yellow colour (ahem, get it?) ...at least it's not a flower . My only hitch is that orange car protruding from the side, but it is what it is...had you stepped a little more to the right side you could have hid that part.

(5 years and 972 days ago)

Hot Rod
avatar friiskiwi
Moderator says:

Author, you have this description on so many photos, if destroys your anonymity.

(5 years and 972 days ago)

Seven Having a Chat
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

Very nice capture

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Best Stroke
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

I was just gonna say this looks like a scene from Sultanahmet, Istanbul and I saw the description Good luck author very nice image

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Nuts to This
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Great shot

(5 years and 990 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Photonut

(5 years and 991 days ago)

Through the Bridge
avatar patty
patty says:


(5 years and 991 days ago)

Through the Bridge
avatar still26
still26 says:

YAY YAY YAY Hope you are chuffed. big congrats.

(5 years and 991 days ago)

Through the Bridge
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

Congrats Brian

(5 years and 991 days ago)

Through the Bridge
avatar madamemonty

Congrats Brian, very nice image

(5 years and 991 days ago)

Through the Bridge
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

As being a gym addict, this is one of a contest entry that I did not want to look at but I couldn't resist anymore haha good luck author

(5 years and 993 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Well seen and well taken. Nice colours and framed by the truck we cannot help but look in deeper. I like seeing that farmer through the window. Technical elements well done.

(5 years and 996 days ago)

Fruit and Veg for sale
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks great, but there's only enough for me.

(5 years and 997 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Good going there photonut.

(5 years and 998 days ago)

avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

By mistake I left my congrats message on your profile page, dunno how I did that lol Congrats again

(5 years and 998 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Lovely photo, but what is actually framed?

(5 years and 1000 days ago)

avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

Nice one, good luck author

(5 years and 1000 days ago)

Street Artist
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

Phone on bike : the best way to hospital (in the best case)!

(5 years and 1000 days ago)

On your Bike
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

It's much better

(5 years and 1004 days ago)

avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

The Tilt Shift effect can not operate with such a view where the camera is at the same level as the subject.
For a maximum effect you have to take the photo in height, far enough from the subject and with a minimum angle of 45 degrees.

(5 years and 1004 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, you mean TOS, right? Not here, not yet he he he he he.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Born to be Wild
avatar still26
still26 says:

It's nice how on this site we can really see a lot of your photos that we cannot see on TOS. You have a lot of strong images.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Born to be Wild
avatar still26
still26 says:

On high res this is pin sharp. Nice capture as we want to know more of the story.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Reach out i,ll be There
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ahh like this compositional style, balanced and easy to view.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Walk on By
avatar still26
still26 says:

Really like this one for the mood and the blue paint out job is really eye catching.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Out on the River
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hi resolution shows this to be nice and sharp. A photo full of mystery.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Rescue Me
avatar still26
still26 says:

Could be a good one for man at work too. Nicely done.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

Grinding Away
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes to this, finally nice to see a man working.

(5 years and 1006 days ago)

The Fishmonger
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The story here for me is the choice of languages for the different messages. I understand that there may be things you wanted to exclude, explaining the very tight cropping, but I could have used a little more breathing space.

(5 years and 1009 days ago)

Street Taxis
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

This picture illustrates rather the 'Scottishandrophobia' the fear of people who wear kilts

(5 years and 1009 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

A very eye catching shot, full of patterns and so suitable for monochrome. Remember how in photography school we were told to not ever to shoot anything from behind? Well pffffffft to that theory (and many others). I like how the focus is not only on their derrieres but on the carpet. It is a crowded scene and is well done.

(5 years and 1009 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

What strikes me the most is the white splotches under foot. That's a nice attention to detail.

(5 years and 1009 days ago)

Bricking It
avatar still26
still26 says:

I laughed out loud when I saw this. I sure as heck would be afraid of these people....are you in Texas? Sharp and pointed, and I see one of the shooters looking directly at you. Colourful, humourous as all get out and why oh why did you cut off all their feet?

(5 years and 1010 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The blue bottle cap was a great touch. It makes the photo for me.

(5 years and 1011 days ago)

Waiting for the Tutor