2334 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar still26
still26 says:

Love that warm fuzzy feeling this image evokes within me.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

My Turn to Paddle
avatar still26
still26 says:

Like the way he is jumping into the frame and biting that distant "bokeh-ed" human

(5 years and 524 days ago)

Dragon Orniment
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still26 says:

When eyes are sharp all sins are forgiven. Nice portrait of this beast.

(5 years and 524 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Brian

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Old Doorway
avatar still26
still26 says:

Nice and congrats Photonut!

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Old Doorway
avatar Dmitry
Dmitry says:

Nice pic

(5 years and 531 days ago)

Down to the River
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good to catch them at peak performance. Technical elements well done and your shutter speed was perfect!

(5 years and 532 days ago)

Dragon Racing
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still26 says:

Quite the tight crop but sharp as "a woman's tongue" and frozen well.

(5 years and 532 days ago)

Going Fast
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still26 says:

Through and through, a nice catch. Your exposure is quite good for being in a difficult shooting spot.

(5 years and 532 days ago)

Walking the Alleyway
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still26 says:

A predator and prey kind of catch and a good one too.

(5 years and 532 days ago)

Alleyway Jogging
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still26 says:

Oh the mystery of a beautiful alley in a faraway country. You have captured this in an artistic creation, however, from a technical standpoint you do have a lot of noise most likely from a strong zoom. I like the two human figures there but had you waited for the waitress to disappear a lone human would have had a greater emotive pull. Still, it is a nice photograph.

(5 years and 532 days ago)

Alleyway Restaurant
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still26 says:

I like this one better because the focus is more on the smoke and the colour palette of blue further softens this visually (means it looks smokier).

(5 years and 534 days ago)

Car on Fire
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still26 says:

Good grief! Where there is smoke there is fire. Smoke well caught and the fire holds us to your image.

(5 years and 534 days ago)

Call the Fire Brigade
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still26 says:

Hey, good on you for this win!

(5 years and 536 days ago)

I,m Moving On
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

Agreed with still, the photo seems to be tilted to the left.

(5 years and 537 days ago)

Blue Door
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, yes yes....solid, steady photograph ....all the correct buttons from composition to tight crop to technical elements nailed. Top marks for this one from me.

(5 years and 539 days ago)

As One Door Opens,Another One Shuts
avatar still26
still26 says:

Lovely and a very pretty scene to behold, would have been a good entry for red and white contest, but here it is for doors and holds its own! Could do with a bit of perspective adjustment but it has a story and a life. Quite like it.

(5 years and 539 days ago)

Balcony Doors
avatar still26
still26 says:

OH MY, this would have made a beautiful painting print if only that paraphernalia in the lower right-hand corner wasn't there to distract from the beauty. Alas, sometimes we get what you get.

(5 years and 539 days ago)

Old Doorway
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like the texture feel to this image and blue and white are well exposed. Please check to ensure there is no tilt to the left. Contrast is good and the diffused light compliments this serene photo.

(5 years and 539 days ago)

Blue Door
avatar still26
still26 says:

Sharp and clear with good dof usage! Like it, a strong image although a bit tight at the left. Still get's 5 stars

(5 years and 541 days ago)

I,m Moving On
avatar still26
still26 says:

I like how you caught the excitement of these canoeists and changing it into monochrome gets the viewer more involved in the action...good call.

(5 years and 541 days ago)

Its Now or Never
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still26 says:

The amputation of the man on the left is troubling visually, but I do believe you already know that. The title and photo are humourous.

(5 years and 542 days ago)

His Lastest Flame
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still26 says:

They were taken in by you and your camera. The photo is "not talking much" to the viewer either and what is the hook to grab the viewer...the engines, the static appearance of people. The image, however, is really crisp with technical prowess shown by the photographer, technically it is rich.

(5 years and 542 days ago)

A Little Less Conversation
avatar still26
still26 says:

good one. He could be a bit sharper (faster shutter speed needed)...or the alternative would be to really blur him to show the shake but this is betweext and between. I like the gentle sepia tint to take us back in the time machine to another time.

(5 years and 542 days ago)

All Shook Up
avatar still26
still26 says:

good one.

(5 years and 545 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

a happy snappy photo of red and white.

(5 years and 545 days ago)

The Ringmaster
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ought to do well in this contest. clear and red and white.

(5 years and 545 days ago)

Red Jacket
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still26 says:

"Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us and pigs see us as their equals". Winston Churchill.

Pigs are quite intelligent and this shows in your photo, it has an emotive quality to it and I can tell you that this pig is a lot sweeter than my last boyfriend. It is too bad about that wire that cuts. Could you not have gotten a bit closer (that is a joke)? It is a great shot and for me it is the emotive power that pulls me in. Technical and tonal quality well done.

(5 years and 548 days ago)

Even Pigs can be Romantic
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is actually a really great shot full of action, surprise, emotion and the technical quality is very well rendered. You caught a crowd on both levels the participants and the waiting and very excited public. IMHO it ought to have done much better.....can't figure it out....sigh.

(5 years and 550 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh how my eyes long to see more of this. Had you taken it from a distance to show the surrounding area the story would have been more complete.

(5 years and 551 days ago)

The Key to Love
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still26 says:

Yes, monochrome pushes this up!

(5 years and 551 days ago)

Motorbike Light
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still26 says:

Hi I think more focus would have worked better, but there is metal on metal here!

(5 years and 551 days ago)

Bike Wheel
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still26 says:

A happy snappy photo and the trees in the middle obstruct and shout for attention, but sometimes you just have to get what you get.

(5 years and 556 days ago)

Crowded Restaurant
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still26 says:

Top of the shelf stuff. Lovely image, solid and stable, emotions caught, crowd is there in abundance.

(5 years and 556 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I like this one for the patterns caught and that lone person in the distance. Is your horizon line tilting to the left?? Yes, I just checked ...it is.

(5 years and 557 days ago)

Plenty of Choice
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still26 says:

Hope you are "chuffed" CONGRATS on one and two

(5 years and 557 days ago)

V is for Van
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still26 says:

Ducky in monochrome. The silhouette of fly by the hand was a nice visual surprise. Good tight crop, details well seen.

(5 years and 558 days ago)

Do not Disturb
avatar LifetimeDamage

Big dust spot in the middle (in the sky)

(5 years and 558 days ago)

Lone Boat
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good on you to get behind the performer to catch her behind. She is not impressing the crowd very much is she? Your POV is amusing for us viewers and the blase faces of the crowd make us wonder and have pity on this performer. I like your upload, it is unique and comical.

(5 years and 558 days ago)

Performing for the Crowd
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still26 says:

A summer day and a crowd with their backs turned to us? Technically sharp, frame filled and in spite of the fact that it is a strong light situation you don't have any hot spots.

(5 years and 559 days ago)

Watching the Band
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still26 says:

Clear and sharp with all photographic information in place and good marginal space all around. Rich in colour, good technique demonstrated. A very agreeable image.

(5 years and 559 days ago)

V is for Van
avatar still26
still26 says:

I really like the artistic bend to this one and the one third rule applied vertically. Nice

(5 years and 559 days ago)

Pier View
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still26 says:

Why did you nip off a good piece of the van. I like the blue colour but the blue hue is throughout the entire image

(5 years and 559 days ago)

V is for Van
avatar still26
still26 says:

A happy snappy photo. You saw, you shot! Technical elements well done especially since this was a bright day, sharp on the focal points and colour is natural.

(5 years and 561 days ago)

Time for a Paddle
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still26 says:

Looks like fun with a tilt of the horizon line and a faster shutter speed would have made the image sharper. Good colour and a pleasant story to boot!

(5 years and 561 days ago)

This is the Life
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still26 says:

Purrrrfect in every way, good crop, fast shutter speed, nice colour...top of the shelf work here.... a strong entry!

(5 years and 563 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

A happy snappy photograph, love her hands.

(5 years and 563 days ago)

Miss Cool
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still26 says:

Cute as a button and I was looking for you in the reflection of her glasses...next time ay!

(5 years and 563 days ago)

Well it is Mine
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still26 says:

Nice moody photograph but you do have some noise which could be eliminated with the de-noise button. Please double check to make certain there is no lean to the left. Nice tonal ranges and lead lines.

(5 years and 564 days ago)

Moored Up
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still26 says:

Congrats Brian, I really like this photo.

(5 years and 564 days ago)

Religious Talk