Old Ruins

For: ruins 2019 contest
For: shoppers contest
This was taken by the roadside as these trucks passed me,they do this every year and take disadvantaged children for a day out at a local theme park
For: selective red 2019 contest
Taken at the museum I do voluntary work at,these colleagues are busy laying a new rail
workmen busy reparing a fence
For: selective red 2019 contest
This was taken at a charity race
For: selective red 2019 contest
Taken at an outside music venue at night
For: it is dark outside contest
For: it is dark outside contest
Taken at a display of various things at might
For: it is dark outside contest
For: it is dark outside contest
For: it is dark outside contest
Taken on the island of burano an island near venice
For: yellow 2019 contest