Ah, feel that sun!

"Cute" potato basking in the natural sunlight
For: potatoes contest
"Cute" potato basking in the natural sunlight
For: potatoes contest
taste the stuffed pepper
For: five senses contest
Oreos anyone
For: five senses contest
A falcon talon holding on to a pole. Represents touch
For: five senses contest
3 jewelry components in hematite
For: photo tournament 4 round 1 contest
100mm Macro lens used to take this image of a piece of sea shell
For: photo tournament 4 round 1 contest
Window display taken from the street
For: photo tournament 4 round 1 contest
An old antique bottle done in black and white.
For: close crop 2 contest
Baby photo shoot with a flower hat on cropped really close to her face.
For: close crop 2 contest
A very pregnant woman. She was due one week after this photo was taken. (Canon Rebel T2i 50mm f/1.4. f/5.6 1/15 sec.)
For: close crop 2 contest
in the grain of the drift wood.
For: color shades contest
Taken on a plant on my back deck.
For: dew 2 contest
and she slept through the whole photo shoot. Lol My granddaughter
For: a loved one contest
...I really want to bite this.
For: a loved one contest
My son in law with my granddaughter the day after she was born. I think they are both tuckered out.
For: a loved one contest
Amber, banded amethyst and rutilated quartz placed on a frosted glass concave dish. This was then placed upon a scrolled stand and lit from underneath to give this effect. Love to see if there are inclusions in the crystals.
Peach rose outside of a Tea House in Boulder, Colorado
a Megacyllene robiniae beetle on goldenrod...their favorite meal.