4340 comments given:
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ponti55 says:

Nice image! I'm not a huge fan of outer glows, but in this case they complement the image nicely. Good job and good luck.

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Vermicious Knids & Snozwangers
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ponti55 says:

looks good!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Forest Sprite
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ponti55 says:

Finally, something other than a massive explosion.. great idea, very different. good luck!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

No robots..Just back to nature
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

nice idea, but you need to fix the halo around the girls, and try adding some shadows to make it look like she's actually in the bulb. Good luck!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

pixie dreams
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ponti55 says:


(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Kung Fu
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ponti55 says:

Very nice!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Ball sculpture
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ponti55 says:

Fantastic! You thought of every little feature! Good job!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Man Vs Wild
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ponti55 says:

Very, very nice! I think you should make the render clouds a little more 'foggy' but the rest looks great!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

Ghostly boat
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ponti55 says:

You really need a better background, just find and outside source of a road, or go photograph one outside your house if you want to keep the 'source only status' Good luck, the car looks great!

(5 years and 3860 days ago)

New fiat 500
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ponti55 says:


(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Recordings of Nature
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ponti55 says:

Haha cool!!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Country Club
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ponti55 says:

Nice image, needs a better title!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

stone planet collision
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ponti55 says:

interesting.. good job!!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Stone EyeBall
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ponti55 says:

Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! GREAT use of source xD xD

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Off to the Big Game
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

very, very nice image.. i bet i can guess who it is (i'll keep my mouth shut, no worries!) Good luck!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Nice image.. very creative, i like the fact the images you used are your own. Good luck!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Playing with the Trolley
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ponti55 says:

This doesn't look too much like a lightbulb, but the distortion is good! Another thing to do is darkening it up and increasing the contrast, if you look at the rest of the crystal, the dark bits are almost black. Good luck!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Incandescent Elephant
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ponti55 says:

great change, looks good now

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Coming Home
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ponti55 says:

Haha!! Wowee! Great job! I don't like the new background too much but what you did to the orb itself id GREAT!!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Hard Lemonade
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ponti55 says:

Good entry!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

march of the ants
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ponti55 says:

Tuck, Janis Joplin had a bit of a problem with drugs, and before her death she appeared much older than she really was.. (sorry about a second comment, author!)

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Bono and Janis
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ponti55 says:

It does, but the person he's leaning on is leaning forward, making it more comfortable, but anyway - it doesn;t matter! It's a great image and a little nitpick like that really isn't important. Good luck

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Hehe, good job!!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Something fishy...
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ponti55 says:

i like this.. it looks great..

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

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ponti55 says:

ok.. a little strange..

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

i think what you added here lacks depth.. a bit of dodging and burning and you're sorted

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

is this love?... or
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ponti55 says:

Very, VERY nice!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

A new field
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ponti55 says:

If the ship is floating, you need to add some depth, if you look at the image it looks like the boat itself is flat. you need a bit of dodging and bruning. Good luck!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Redux
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ponti55 says:

Nice mood, the shading around the bottom of the boat is a little harsh though, but the rest looks great.

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Good luck! Good hair masking.

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Brad and Lucy
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ponti55 says:

Good job!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Will Divorse
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ponti55 says:

Oh good lord... GREAT image! Can't wait to see the results!!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Good job! And Tilda Swinton is one of my favourite actresses... when she won the oscar for best supporting actress i was really pleased.. my comment on the image itself, Her left shoulder has a blue halo to fix that, control click on her layer, go to select - modify - border and depending on the size of the image put 2 3 or even 4 pixels, then click ok and then just click delete. Good luck!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Seal and Tilda Swinton
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ponti55 says:

i think you shouldclone stamp his hand out of the image, it looks a bit awkwrd, if you put yourself in his position and lean against the wall, it's very uncomfortable.. good luck though.

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

the shape of the globe is a little strange, try making the image round or eliptical, i'd also like to see this a little brighter. Good luck!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

end of ze world !!!
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ponti55 says:

Good job!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Laugh & Learn
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ponti55 says:

Looks great! MY mother's a buddhist... and this really connects with me, good luck

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Buddha Youth
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ponti55 says:

ooh, nice image!!

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

time to play
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ponti55 says:

Hmm it might just be my eyes, but the resolution doesn;t seem all that great, it looks a little blotchey

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Coming Home
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ponti55 says:

great idea

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Last tree
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ponti55 says:

Doesn't look too much like a lady, but i suppose because it's your first try, good luck

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Françoise, the bearded lady
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ponti55 says:

xD those teeth

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Still chasing butterflies!
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ponti55 says:

Nice idea!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Rich vs poor
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ponti55 says:

the shadow looks a bit like a duck :-P Nice image though, good luck!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

humming bulb
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ponti55 says:

Looks good!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Bubble Bulb
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ponti55 says:

I had to look at your step by step guide to really understand what i was looking it, overall i like it, but there are a couple of kinks that you could work on, such as his boots as Akasha mentione. Good luck

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Wooden Knight
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ponti55 says:

It looks nice, it combines the warm feelings of the relationship with the gritty feel of grunge... good job!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

grungee Lovebirds
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ponti55 says:

Nice! I'm not sure if it's grungey enough, a few overlayed rust textures or something similar will give it a harsher feel. Good luck!

Edit: I spoke before i saw the SBS.. i thought the model was REAL!! A fantastic image.. good, good, GOOD job!!!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

A very interesting use of the source image, i'll give you that, but i think you could blend the hands a little better, maybe starting from lower down on the globe to make it nice and smooth. I also question or use of the grass for the world, the image would be a lot more effective with a flat - brown and green land. That's just my opinion though, after all, it's your image! Good luck!!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Let it rain...
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ponti55 says:

Interesting image, well put together but the source is hard to see, but then again, entries like these are loved by a lot of people, including me.. good luck!!

(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Lonely in Space