Dimensions Collide

An alternate reality. Based on a true story.
For: rusty truck contest
An alternate reality. Based on a true story.
For: rusty truck contest
Inspired by Botticelli "Birth of Venus".
For: greek gods contest
i know im going to get crap for the filter, but i just couldnt help it this time, it worked for me Hebe (Greek) – Hebe’s name literally means youth or in the prime of life. She was one of the daughters of Zeus and Hera. Her role was to serve the nectar and ambrosia to the Gods and ...
For: greek gods contest
ALL Photoshop (18+ hours of painting) I've been fascinated by the story of Persephone for a very long time. Persephone was The daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was so lovely that Hades fell in love with her and stole her away from her world of nature. Eventually Persephone fell in love with H...
For: greek gods contest
okay...I originally did this the first time the contest was run but couldn't find some of the sources again so this is a complete re-do!! I think I kind of like this one better than the last time I did it!! Thanks mjranum for use of the barbarian man...his site is http://www.ranum.com Oh one ...
For: greek gods contest
all painted by hand using tablet pen ,
For: greek gods contest
In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, peace, warfare, strategy, handicrafts and reason.shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavour. She is the virgin patron of Athens, which built the Parthenon to worship her. Owl is the sacred bird of goddess Athena. http://en.w...
For: greek gods contest
Dionysus - god of wine growing and winemaking. He went all over the world teaching people how to do wine. He was accompanied by satyres and nymphs - mythical, fantastic beings. When Hestia has left the throne on the Olympus, Dionysus became one of 12 Olympians. Sbs coming soon 8-)
For: greek gods contest
took the blue out since it was distracting from the focal point- the girl. hope this looks better.
For: lace contest
Cover to the album of imaginary band.
For: lace contest
Ganymede was considered the most beautiful man in the world by Zeus. Zeus transformed himself into an eagle and took him. Once among the Gods Ganymede became immortal and was given the role of cupbearer of the gods.. Credit to Felixdeon from DA for the man. Credit to ryoku15 from DA for the cl...
For: greek gods contest
Nyx was the primordial goddess of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and was the mother of personified gods such as Hypnos (sleep) and Thánatos (death). Her appearances in mythology are sparse, but reveal her as a figure of exceptional power and beauty. S...
For: greek gods contest
Eris (Greek ἜÏις, "Strife") is the Greek goddess of discord and strife, her name being translated into Latin as Discordia. In my picture she's holding the golden apple. An apple of discord is a reference to the Golden Apple of Discord which, according to Greek mythology, the...
For: greek gods contest
For: greek gods contest
For: greek gods contest
Gaia is a primordial and chthonic deity in the Ancient Greek pantheon and considered a Mother Goddess or Great Goddess. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_(mythology)
For: greek gods contest
Athena - Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Military Victory (war with good tactics and winning strategies, not just fighting, like Ares), and Goddess of Crafts. Thank you Marcus J. Ranum, dieraecherin and photodreamstock
For: greek gods contest
Couldn't find the contact details for the original model I used, so had to replace her. I have linked to the image of the model for the purpose of this competition, the image is by Marcus Ranum and his personal website is http://www.ranum.com/
For: greek gods contest
Atlas is the son of the Titan Iapetus and Clymene (or Asia), and brother of Prometheus. Atlas was punished by Zeus and made to bear the weight of the heavens (the idea of Atlas carrying the Earth isn't correct according to the original myth) on his back. One of Heracles's labours was to collect the ...
For: greek gods contest