S & L

For: rusty truck contest
Hand here: http://jay-b-rich.deviantart.com/art/Female-Hand-06-85761746
For: rusty truck contest
The little girl is my cousin. No other source images, other than the contest image were used.
For: angel contest
A broken angel, waiting to be mended Like a potter would mend a broken vase A broken angel, waiting to be mended And have what's left of the pieces put back in place
For: angel contest
Thank you to MJ Ranum for the model. I was going to leave the bikini top off, but I wasn't sure about the nudity rules here.
For: gravity distorted contest
There really is NO reason to be rude! If you don't agree with the interpretation of an entry, there ARE polite ways of saying it without having to resort to rudeness.
(I think I got the shadows right this time). I also made the girl a little smaller to fit the bench better.
For: brown bench contest
I tried to show that the grandparent's time is past, while the parent's time is present. The child, who is the future, is in the forefront. It's in an oil painting format because that was the medium of choice for the grandma's generation, showing that the influence of the past still affects the pres...
For: time window contest
The way the economy is going, it won't be long before THIS is all a million will buy!
For: a million dollars contest
Daughter of Demeter, Goddess of Spring
For: greek gods contest
A little late for Easter, but that's okay! LOL!!
Fixed the wing under her arm.. and a few other things I found that were wrong.
For: lace contest
Kaleidoscoped toes.
For: baby foot contest