34 comments given:
avatar princessSK

very pretty

(5 years and 3880 days ago)

A strange place
avatar princessSK

amazing job

(5 years and 3880 days ago)

Dragon Slayer
avatar princessSK


(5 years and 3883 days ago)

Miss Piggy
avatar princessSK

i love that cigarette in her hand...or shall i say claw

(5 years and 3883 days ago)

lobster girl
avatar princessSK

this is really funny

(5 years and 3883 days ago)

Three of a kind
avatar princessSK

wow...very cute :P

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Holding Ball
avatar princessSK

this is very cute

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

Happy Pills
avatar princessSK

very cute idea ..

(5 years and 3912 days ago)

A Guide to Star Haven
avatar princessSK


(5 years and 3933 days ago)

Minuscule Encounter...
avatar princessSK

colorful...good job

(5 years and 3933 days ago)

From Venice...with Love!
avatar princessSK

nice effect

(5 years and 3933 days ago)

Fire Bird
avatar princessSK

very ery pretty

(5 years and 3933 days ago)

Moonlight Dream.
avatar princessSK

i love the concept.... and the image is very pretty too

(5 years and 3933 days ago)

Special Birthday Present
avatar princessSK

so cute and romantic....

(5 years and 3935 days ago)

Must be love
avatar princessSK

very nice idea

(5 years and 3935 days ago)

avatar princessSK

very cute and colorful.....

(5 years and 3935 days ago)

Home Sweet Home!
avatar princessSK

hehehe... good one

(5 years and 3935 days ago)

avatar princessSK

very sweet

(5 years and 3935 days ago)

Tattoo legged
avatar princessSK

lol...very nice

(5 years and 3935 days ago)

This Little Piggy...
avatar princessSK

LOL... very nice idea....

(5 years and 3947 days ago)

avatar princessSK

eeewwwww... ugliest for sure

(5 years and 3949 days ago)

Definitely Ugly
avatar princessSK

doesnt look like a smile

(5 years and 3949 days ago)

Demonic Me
avatar princessSK

sweet lil froggy :X ... or maybe "crazy"

(5 years and 3949 days ago)

Say cheese!
avatar princessSK

nice theme

(5 years and 3949 days ago)

Smile Kills
avatar princessSK

love the concept... good luck

(5 years and 3950 days ago)

Little world
avatar princessSK

definitely a modern art cool

(5 years and 3950 days ago)

avatar princessSK

so serene

(5 years and 3950 days ago)

Blue Moon
avatar princessSK

awww...so sweet

(5 years and 3950 days ago)

Bubble Gum Brain Burst
avatar princessSK

pretty colors

(5 years and 3950 days ago)

Made of Square Gum
avatar princessSK


(5 years and 3950 days ago)

Umm... How did I get in here?