The Elephant

Don't ask me why he's in there. lol (I've always wanted to manipulate an elephant in the ocean)
For: sailing away contest
Don't ask me why he's in there. lol (I've always wanted to manipulate an elephant in the ocean)
For: sailing away contest
For: sailing away contest
For: sailing away contest
image modified to give a better lighting consistance to the image as mentioned by a few in my coments.
For: oops contest
i removed the light reflections on the honey as asked by some viewers. tks for the tip guys
For: honey drip contest
used the pen tool to cut out the honey image. created a gradient radial background. added grass. added trees one by one and placed shadows with the black brush tool. added a bluish color to the botom part to look like water and overlayed fish one by one. added seagals around and blurred them with ga...
For: honey drip contest