85 comments given:
avatar pthree
pthree says:

you lucky b*$tard

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

My Love
avatar pthree
pthree says:

verry pretty, nice "sin city" look

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Red Beauty
avatar pthree
pthree says:

nice and warm, try to fix the edges on the elbow

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Summer look
avatar pthree
pthree says:

Pretty looks a bit like Whitney Houston

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Blue Angel
avatar pthree
pthree says:

yup, bigger apples too

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

great job, looks a bit flat, try to give dimension like GK said by brushing the edges with the burn tool at a low opacity.

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

fuzzy teddy
avatar pthree
pthree says:

lol, pxleyes blaster, I remember this one One thing though remove the "i" from pixleyes, or that was intended?

(5 years and 3892 days ago)

Ghetto blaster
avatar pthree
pthree says:

PROLLY top 7

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

are you sure you used the source? it looks so real

(5 years and 3894 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

oh, it has a wheel too, it must be functional

(5 years and 3894 days ago)

Cucumber Racer
avatar pthree
pthree says:

awesome painting

(5 years and 3894 days ago)

green fields
avatar pthree
pthree says:

love the lady bugs, they look like dew

(5 years and 3894 days ago)

Minuscule Encounter...
avatar pthree
pthree says:

no wonder Pirithous and Thezeus tried to steal her form Hades, with such beautiful eyes...

(5 years and 3897 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

looks like a witch with that nose

(5 years and 3897 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

Can't wait for the SBS. Cool effect

(5 years and 3897 days ago)

Hope reborn
avatar pthree
pthree says:

Are you truing to hypnotise us to vote high?

(5 years and 3897 days ago)

Old Ivory Road
avatar pthree
pthree says:

"Love mommy" looks like the font from "fight for kisses"

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Tattoo legged
avatar pthree
pthree says:

original idea

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

This Little Piggy...
avatar pthree
pthree says:

there goes my idea... Good job

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

milk splash
avatar pthree
pthree says:

- Wow ! Polly you're so colored !
- You ate to much poppy seeds Pepe.
Great job

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Birds in the field
avatar pthree
pthree says:

I can almost hear him wroom above my head . It's just my opinion, maybe it was meant to be like that but the plane looks a bit too magenta.

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Low Approach at Tatra
avatar pthree
pthree says:

I like the colors on this one. .
Your sbs style is unique.

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

Bridge Flood
avatar pthree
pthree says:

you watched supernatural too? Poor Dean :P

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

nice recreation, funny context, a bit tragicomic...
I don't want to be mean, you should have been true about your references. Good luck

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

Damn Swine!
avatar pthree
pthree says:

speechless, love the way you make your entries, they all have a story behind them, BTW I hope his story doesn't have a happy ending, hope he doesn't find what he's looking for :P

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar pthree
pthree says:

and a baseball bat

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

Nutty Native Tiki Man
avatar pthree
pthree says:

all that stumbleing pays off to inspiration, huh? Great mood

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

Blue Moon
avatar pthree
pthree says:

if a frog could lol . . .

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

Say cheese!
avatar pthree
pthree says:

that big theethed man is all over the internet, "personal resources" :roll:

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

OH MY!!!
avatar pthree
pthree says:

this is so funny ! the teeth could have been better

(5 years and 3911 days ago)

Whos a pretty boy then?
avatar pthree
pthree says:

those eyes . . .

(5 years and 3912 days ago)

Nutty Native Tiki Man
avatar pthree
pthree says:

I was in the chat when I saw this entry, when chelie showed up I made sure it was the first thing she sees after waking up, I bet you made her day

(p3): saw this?
(p3): rate high, I did it :P
(CrAzYChelie): oh hell yeah mannn!!!!
(p3): did not
(p3): I wish

(5 years and 3912 days ago)

Crazy Lady
avatar pthree
pthree says:

I may sound childish: First comment on the first entry !

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

Lodd Caeser